HOT garbage? And who’s paying to heat this garbage up, me? No thank you! Cold garbage is fine for kids!
Lol, no but seriously they’d rather just let kids starve.
HOT garbage? And who’s paying to heat this garbage up, me? No thank you! Cold garbage is fine for kids!
Lol, no but seriously they’d rather just let kids starve.
American eh? Nope, I don’t recognize him. Do what you want with that one, it’s fine by us.
Also, it’s bespoke. That should add another zero.
A lot of dumb people thought they could talk about killing politicians on the Internet if they ended their message with “in Minecraft” so they could claim they were just taking about a game. At least one of them has already been arrested proving their plan doesn’t actually provide any defense.
So a Minecraft cause would be someone plotting (and then presumably actually) killing them.
Yes, it was really crazy. In the past few decades our politicians had different goals, but generally still followed the same rules. Trump has shown he wants to dismantle any and all systems that don’t serve him, and the Republican party is happy to let him do so, so this election seems like it might have far greater consequences than the ones in memorable past.
IT systems need a way to pre-enter an account deactivation, and when HR sends a text to the system it makes it live, or something. I’ve been the IT guy who was told to disable an account, and the user found out before the news was broken so they asked me what was going on. No bueno.
I’m not crying, someone’s cutting garlic.
I guess I was thinking of how to videos like how to fix a part on your car. But yeah I can see how how to videos like that still being an opportunity for Google to make money.
People who watch tutorial videos only get on, watch the video and then leave. How are they supposed to make tons of advertising revenue from that? No, we must sacrifice that class of video from the platform, in pursuit of the almighty dollar.
Yeah, me too. Sorry, I’m just tired.
10 years ago I’d say this was a bombshell, and the results of what was released could have unprecedented effects on our election.
But now a days? Meh. I mean, half the people in the country have read 10000 horrific stories about Trump already, and the other half believe there’s a group of baby-eating satanists running the world, so I can’t imagine either group really bring too surprised at any announced leaks. I dunno, I guess I still hear about these supposed undecided voters, even if I can’t comprehend how they still exist. Maybe this will change 12 of their minds, or whatever.
I don’t really think of proposing new policies as “desperate” so much as just trying to outline her goals to people who are still undecided.
Now if she went out and did some weird photoshoot stunt, I might start to pull out the desperate label.
Neither sounds “wrong” to my ear, but if I had to pick one, hmmmm…I think modular things are inherently versatile, but versatile things aren’t inherently modular, so I would go with “versatile and modular” so it gets more specific from first word to second word.
Or consider not using both those words.
Edit: the order of adjectives usually matters when they are different types of adjectives, like “five big brown bears”. You have a number, a size, and a color. That one sounds wrong if you get them out of order. But modular and versatile are the same kind of adjective, so I don’t think there’s really a wrong choice here.
Maybe their whole service doesn’t do any testing at all, it just auto sends a reply “We’re sorry, we think there is a strong chance your child will inherit genes related to lower than average intelligence.” to anyone dumb enough to pay them money.
I love the ability to keep a perfect history of my communication, which IM/slack/email gives you, but if you have a complex issue to solve that requires the input of multiple people, face to face conversation can get to the bottom of the issue many times faster than back and forth messing. Not only can you speak quicker than you can type, but you can convey additional information in tone of voice and facial expression.
And I hate to praise AI for anything, but it’s not half bad at given you a written summary of what was talked about.
I say all this as someone who really doesn’t enjoy talking to people face to face, and would much rather just send messages.
There will always be insecure men (and people in general) who criticize others over nonsense topics that they’ve convinced themselves is proof they aren’t whatever insecure thing they’re afraid of being.
Get caught with some drugs? Years in prison.
Steal millions of dollars from the government for rich people? 20 months.
*Obvious money laundering is money laundering (and also a scam).
Nah, there’s probably not a single issue that all Americans agree on collectively, but since OP addressed America as a singular subject, I decided it was okay for me to reply for the entire country. Mostly for the humor points.
A person is born every day.
You are not born every day.
Seems clear that you must not be a person.