You badly underestimate the proportion of people who have never heard of Mastadon.
You badly underestimate the proportion of people who have never heard of Mastadon.
Do they have reasonable competitors? I see them used so much.
Let’s all just use IPs
They can and should spend less on anti-piracy measures to become more profitable.
You mean by making a better service?
They forget pirating video is really really easy
Accepting a ton of money from Google to make it the default search engine isn’t selling out to them. Any concerned user will know how to change the default.
Report to the Github tracker page please.
Love the app so far!
For ultra or just the ad removal?
Sync is so customizable. If you are willing to go through all the settings it’s worth it.
There’s a lot to it if you want to do it right. I’m hopeful for crossposting like the webui
Dreams do come true
Bitwig Studio is more expensive but also has full Linux support and is made by former Ableton devs
They have done tests in the past but they wet obvious. People got caught saying they went to a waterpark that didn’t exist.
You exaggerate but only slightly.
Every day I’m closer to trying Linux again.
Holy shit someone tell danny brown to save his raps
Because it was about control. They want you on their app where they decide what you see and track how long you see it.
Which phone?