I agree, which is why I offered no solution as of yet… I suppose best we have right now is resounding opinion of ‘most liked’ in a thread. I suppose that would lean itself to revealing the idea which holds the highest consensus.
In some tech groups, it may become feasible for malicious actors to feign intelligence, and that’s partly what I’m hoping this slowly curtails. Use of LLM and the rest in our discourse.
Yo - absolutely!
WG easy posts the GUI on a separate port than the primary Wireguard port you’d need to open in the firewall. I think it’s 51821 - but this can easily be changed depending on if you’re using docker-compose files or a gui like portainer to manage this.
In my case - I am using Nginx Proxy Manager - and it even has it’s own basic password requirement “Access List” availability. With NPM I’m routing that gui over vpn (local dns) but you could put it behind a password with limite security via Access List, or the step beyond look into “middleware” like Keycloak.