This, my altruism has it’s limits
This, my altruism has it’s limits
No big surprise here, stars/star reviews are in general completely worthless. I don’t really even bother with them anymore.
By far one of the most interesting articles I’ve seen on Lemmy so far, thanks for the link
I lived in peace and humanity first Berkeley, Ca for 10 years a bastion of liberalism taken to the extreme. For 10 years I voted repeatedly in local elections for more affordable housing and zoning changes to make it easier to develop taller buildings and rezone areas for housing development. In the time I was there I think I can count on 1 hand the number of apartment and housing developments I saw being erected. Every damn election people voted against zoning changes and shot them down. We eventually had kids and guess what, there was no place for us to raise a family. So we moved out of state. Californians have nobody but themselves to blame for the homelessness problem the NIMBYism there is to the stratosphere. They shit talk about places like Texas, but guess what? At least there people have a place to live, which is more than I can say for the majority of cities in California.
Between airliners crashing and financial and public infrastructure being taken down by security flaws I wonder how many trillions of lost dollars and lives being lost it will take before critical software like this is held to a higher standard. Even though it’s just as important as the development team that writes the code, QA and a software dev process are still treated as unimportant and something you do only if you have the time to do it.
I really like this video, in it he demonstrates how a char pointer can be exploited to alter the return value in the stack and walks through an example of how it’s done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S0aBV-Waeo
Michaels uttered perhaps the most famous six words in the history of sports broadcasting at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics after the U.S. hockey team triumphed over the Soviet Union in a stunning upset: “Do you believe in miracles? Yes!”
It’s tragic that the humanity of these types of things that are understood by humans will be lost in AI.
For MIT/Apache it doesn’t matter. That’s always a problem with those free to use licenses you have a “good idea” who’s using it, but you never really can tell. It also creates a shit load of wasted improvements every time a company uses it, moth balls the project, but never pushes code upstream because why do that? \s So you sit back and hope that someone in the company feels a big enough moral drive or obligation to contribute their improvements up stream. But, how can you tell definitively? You can sometimes see it in the job descriptions they are hiring for, also I have had companies reach out out me personally for help. Many open source projects also will reach out and ask, and if they get the ok, will put it in the project description in order to encourage others companies to do the same. So why to companies bother? The funny thing about open source is that it lets people who like solving tough problems (the best type of engineers) know where the tough problems are being definitively solved, because here’s the code, and here’s the author from xyz company contributing and showing the rest of the world how it’s done. Often this will bring in engineers who are at the top of their game to these companies.
Racism has very little to do with being offended. It goes much deeper than that. If all racism entailed were a few people being offended then we wouldn’t have a holiday based around the freeing of a enslaved people. If people continue to tell people to get over it, nothing will ever change because the healing can never begin.
Early Gen X, late millennial here. This, wondering how we are going to pay for the skyrocketing health care, day to to living, and send our kids to school. We are told to invest in 401k’s which after living through the dot com bust and housing crash, is a total fucking gamble. How are we going to live? I.have.no.fucking.idea. To be blunt, this country just doesn’t give a fuck, I expect to be working until I die.
People will find a way to get around it, I could see buffering a video for 5 mins or even downloading the entire video ala locally playing podcasts, then using AI or some type of frame analyzation technique t to skip ads. Or just skip them like good old fashion Tivo from your player.
I call bs, a motorcycle provides way less protection. And which states are they illegal in? Lobbying and another money grab from corporations in our “free market” society. I would love one of these BTW.
Exactly, this just in… Water is wet
this 👆 dual boot doesn’t always work because windows can be finicky with boot partitions as well as boot partition security issues. Save yourself a headache if you want to go back, just pop your current drive out, and put it in a external case so you can access the files. Hard drives are cheap.
This has happened to myself as well as other friends in the trades where you are expected to buy and maintain your own tools. Not only do you to loose thousands of dollars in tools, it also effects ongoing and new work as well as a shit load of time spent rebuying and finding the right tools again. The police just don’t care, the last time it happened I didn’t even bother filing a report. I consider this one of the lowest forms of petty theft. It kills people’s lively hoods and takes food out of their family’s mouths.
According to Biden if you are black and you voted for Trump, nothing, because - “You got more questions, but I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
The problem with this logic is the manufactures have no control over the iPhone update. The article didn’t go into exactly what happened, but it could have been that the device worked fine at launch, but then Apple released an update which caused an issue in the app. Even if it didn’t happen this way I could definitely see it happening. Using an app for critical life sustaining medical devices is like playing Russian Roulette, an update from Google or Apple can put you in the hospital, or worse.
What!!! I thought Elon had it all figured out, No Way!
I think there are a lot of misconceptions about what federated means. IMHO, it would be really cool if there were an easy way to share and remove a profile across instances that wasn’t stored on a server, and it was yours and yours alone to do with what you like.