Conflict of interest much?
Conflict of interest much?
Here is a great explanation of what you’re asking. I trust this channel for news over pretty much anything else.
It’s weird but you can’t say what is weird or why.
You what’s actually weird? Your comment goes on for three paragraphs and says absolutely nothing but somehow has 50 upvotes. That’s very weird
TIL wanting to follow a link to the website of a game that someone posted a screenshot of encourages illegal activity. Here I thought I was just using the Internet. Pixelfed should not allow text, comments or engagement at all in that case. It could lead to gamification. How dare people enjoy things differently than you want them to?
Then don’t follow any links to outside the app… Why shouldn’t they be usable for people who want to though?
I’ve been loving it. One thing that has to be fixed immediately. You can’t click on links inside the post descriptions. I want to follow the link that goes to a news article or website for the sale of a product but I can’t click the link or even copy text on mobile.
It’s not my job to educate you
Did you post it yet? What happened?
Delusional much?
So brave
Really important stuff here. You’re still gonna lower grocery prices though right? Right?
Holy fuck. What is wrong with you?
Heroic gunman stops mass murderer from continuing his work.
I believe I’m doing port forwarding correctly. I’m using a router with DumaOS installed so I’ve considered that that may be the problem. I haven’t heard symmetric connection mentioned before. I will do some googling. Thank you
I can never get decent upload speeds. I seed everything I can but the most I’ve ever seen is 100 kbps. Average is probably more like 10 and very few upload at all. Haven’t been able to find the reason.
You are completely unhinged.