Stay and fight for it. Because what happens if and when shit goes south wherever your new home is? Just keep running?
Stay and fight for it. Because what happens if and when shit goes south wherever your new home is? Just keep running?
You will never ever get in trouble for simply possessing GBC ROMs
I got the YouTube premium family plan a long time ago. Been worth every penny for the amount of YouTube we watch.
I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but if there was one streaming service I was gonna pay for it’d be YT premium. You can pirate everything else pretty easily.
You left out some important context, that she followed that up with “you people are next.”
A group of people related by blood and/or marriage.
More broadly, any group of related things depending on the context.
It could be anything, as long as your recipient has the cipher for your code. If they don’t, then you better hope they’re really good decrypters.
I have been pleasantly surprised by judges these past few weeks, especially conservative ones, so I’m cautiously optimistic.
The growing power of the executive branch has been a concern since WWII or longer. Hopefully this administration will be a kick in the pants to rectify that problem.
Data’s poem was written by real people trying to sound like a machine.
ChatGPT’s poems are written by a machine trying to sound like real people.
While I think “Ode to Spot” is actually a good poem, it’s kind of a valid point to make since the TNG writers were purposely trying to make a bad one.
If I had this land, I’d grow food.
“Bread and circuses” only works when you make bread and circuses available to the people. They’re starting to take them away and people are not going to stand for this bullshit without their creature comforts.
You’re right, this isn’t news and doesn’t belong here. This is an opinion piece.
Yeah, language can be very fun. That’s why I’m saying those terms are fun novelties, like a Lemmy username, not really useful in any practical sense.
Those aren’t the ones I’m talking about. Flocks, herds, and schools apply to many different kinds of birds, land animals, and fish, respectively. Why would anyone need to use the word “murder” instead of “flock” for crows? A cackle of hyenas? A conspiracy of lemurs? Let’s be serious here. What’s wrong with saying a group of lemurs?
If I have enough money to worry about my kids’ inheritance, I’m probably not maxing out credit cards to buy groceries.
If I don’t, then fuck it, they can take 10 or 20k off the sale of my house and live with that.
And in the latter case, why are my kids expecting inheritance after not helping me with affording essentials?
Does anybody actually use these goofy terms for groups of animals? Seems like they mostly exist as a novelty.
I think you’ll find that most countries worth emigrating to are expensive and hard to get into, much moreso than the US.