Oh I swear I read it “rewrites” it. So like you can end up allergic to things you never were allergic to and unallergic to things you were allergic to. I’ll have to try to find where I saw that
Oh I swear I read it “rewrites” it. So like you can end up allergic to things you never were allergic to and unallergic to things you were allergic to. I’ll have to try to find where I saw that
Uhhhhhh doesn’t measles reset your immune system or something like that?
I find it funny how people on the right want the cop who shot that lady during the Jan 6 riot to be punished, yet think Chauvin was in the right…like how can you be so stupid…then again they probably don’t care the cop shot her they care cuz he’s black.
I’ve watched her in that and the Spider-Man movies, just didn’t care for it. Just felt stale to me lol
when I say hate I mean don’t care for bad habit to use it interchangeably
I just hate her acting imo it’s mediocre at best.
I’m confused I thought it already was.
Call me a piece of crap Idc but this brings me joy it sucks for people who didn’t want this to happen but makes me smile and want to lick the tears of those who voted for trump only to find out their families may possibly be effected
I agree fuck him he wasn’t bad but boy did he lack a spine
Any idea where I can get some then so I don’t have to wait and order?
I’m really confused how can one judge stop this
It’s a struggle but working on it :)
So I’m confused networking stuff has never been my strong suit, is this saying you can still be fucked on public WiFi even if you connect through a VPN?
I’ll look into the curlers cuz when I wax mine it looks like an old English Mustache instead of a proper curl lol
Does it matter if I use an electric razor or scissors?
So basically my job covers 50% I guess since I think taht’s why I’m charged 50% of the cost before deductible.
I agree, I’ll be honest that’s why I use these apps. Because when I’d try to just talk to a girl in person and be friendly I get the sense they think I’m either being creepy or want to get in their pants. When I’m just an introvert just trying to start up a conversation lol
what was meant to be used then?
But how exactly does it work when applying for something like a credit card or going to a doctors office and filling out a form? Because here in the US those ask for SSN
Me when I read stories like this
FAFO vote for a clown don’t complain it’s turning into a crazy circus