The ideal internet was open and free if you could pay hosting and bandwidth costs - generally those who were associated with universities could
The ideal internet was open and free if you could pay hosting and bandwidth costs - generally those who were associated with universities could
I say let him do that and then let congress legislate this once the grim details of how the human subjects died creates a scandal and political unity across the aisle. It’s the American Way®
Dark mode issues hahahahaha
Oh that’s sad. The nature of commerce and competition means that proprietary stuff will never go away because making closed stuff is the way MBAs are taught to create “competitive advantage”
What’s holding GNU/Hurd back? Can’t be hardware anymore since it became blazing fast
That was not the UNIX way… True UNIX way would end silently and have zero as $?
Some people also use tablets and even foldable phones
Do remember that Apple also gets their cut of the money
How do you like the smell of despair in the morning?
I find it… Exquisite
And you really need to trust Tor exit nodes
She does not have superhuman stock picking and macroeconomic environment decoding abilities. She got massively lucky with China until Xi decided that large successful Chinese enterprises were a danger to his Party and COVID+inflation stressed all other companies
Kotlin won’t save your skin if the code you wrote should be performant but you layered it into a heap of abstract classes, interfaces, factories, etc and, realistically, no one else would use or expand on that
Well, there is always root (for some phones). And consider that Apple crowd never had an option
Also akin to Uber drivers, door dash delivery people, Airbnb hosts (back in the beginning)
In essence those are just a PC, switch, NAS, and UPS…
Well, this is a prime puta que o pariu situation
Good contrasting points but the bar is set really low. Maybe Europe is a better comparison?
He can post a 10 second video containing a QR code to his YouTube full length video
It’s just like lawyers being recruited to work for Trump
Unless you live in places like cities around Los Angeles