You just took my feeling on this issue and put it to words
You just took my feeling on this issue and put it to words
Maybe the pol was distributed via ads
Eye I have two really nice cars and I only ever take them out on tracks or going around the county side. Otherwise I to am taking the bike everywhere. Even if it means going through a hard ass mountain range. I honestly get it. Cars are expensive and if the only place you get to drive it on are highways and cities yea cars are pretty boring and frustrating. You really need a good mountain range or track to appreciate cars, and sadly those are becoming rarer and rarer for people and especially young folks. So thanks car sentric infrastructure for making cars boring and infuriating.
Holy $329. I recall my corded headset was $20 I believe and it’s been quite comfortable and nice. So man with that price tag I’d friggin hope they’d do something about the Bluetooth delay. Man blue tooth is pricey.
Tbh buying a phone that doesn’t have a jack is probably one of my biggest regrets. Fr I still keep my old phone around because the only thing wrong with it is that the screen is shattered. But it’s manageable with a piece of packing tape. So I mostly use it for listening to stuff when I have to move and listen for hours on end.
Anyone else find it annoying to have to constantly charge your earbuds. I’ve been so used to just plugging my headphones in and forgetting them. I’m tired of constant “low battery” because I forgot to charge them last night.
My new phone doesn’t have a headphone jack. Anyways I currently use my old phone daily because I hate how blue tooth audio is always slightly delayed. Watching videos is such a pain in the ass. Also it’s next to impossible to find non earbud Bluetooth headphones making my corded headset a must for listening to anything for extended periods of time. Especially when traveling iny home state where earbuds hold air pressure.
Considering the state of trucks today I can absolutely buy a cyber truck getting stuck and needing a tow. Like seriously init that thing like 100 grand. It’s just a another sedan with a tailgate instead of a trunk.
Tbh I recall watching a kugkrizat video talking about how the Internet is so enshitifiyd due to how we’ve all made a few midea platforms become the Internet town square. I think that is not only making everyone hostile to one another but it’s also made parenting next to impossible on the web. Everywhere that there are people there are some edgy people as well. You can’t really regulate anything without pissing a sizeable amount of the population off.
Also wasn’t there also a contravorcy about how their heaters didn’t work in cold weather.
Honestly I don’t think that’s the problem here. The problem is that we have kreeps trying to get a physical photo of someone nude for wank material.
It’s shite like that is the reason why I’m planning on staying in the south, so I can just daily my 56 bel air. All it really needs is a AC and I can always just take the heater out and take a normal ac unit apart and put it in. At this rate I’m wondering if that car is going to be more practical than modern cars purely because you don’t have to pay to open the window. Sure it may not have the speed as modern car but like even in my z3 I rarely ever go faster than 60mph.
I’d probably argue digital piracy isn’t theft. It’s quality control.
Guess that goes to show just how little I know about the UK and EU.
Made phones require a USBC port and I also believe they also tried to pass some pro right to repair bills.
I’m torn on what to think about the uks stance on technology. Like one one hand they’ve been forcing apple to be normal. But on the other hand they love trying to restrict porn in the most ridiculous ways.
Metal does not like to compress at all. But when you make it really thin it will be floppy like a spring you might find in a pen or wind up toy. However you can make it stiff again by making it curved so the sheet has structure/mass going on all directions. Infact believe it or not cars during the 1960/70s had quite a bit of curves dispute being a brick. And that’s because they didn’t want the panels to dent easily. So when a car has flat faces like the Cyber truck. Those panels don’t even have subtle curves to give them structure and they are soo suspectable to dents that a simple brease does the job of denting them.
Also bonus points if you are autistic. A lot of my folders are labeled with acronyms and my porn folder is the only one that is just random letters so it blends right in
Plot twist he hates seeing nudity but gets really turned on seeing a tax document.
On one hand I can see your gas tank analogy being correct but I may be saying this out of habit of how we have been disarming disinformation that originates from random sources the whole time we have had social media but disarming disinformation that is backed and distributed by a authoritarian regimes that have a military force and possibly assassins and other means to physically shut people up it’s a bit harder especially when you’re going against them on a platform that they control and own