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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • Making successful choices is not by itself sufficient to determine the “value” created. If I choose winning lottery numbers and win 100 million dollars, that doesn’t mean my decision on those numbers is worth 100 million dollars, it was luck.

    I would argue this is exactly what makes successful CEO’s so valuable. It’s a very valuable skill to be able to take educated risks. it’s not a lottery. CEO’s don’t get paid how much they do because they’re lucky.

    Then I sell the software to another company for 10 million dollars, take 9 million of it for myself, and give the rest of the developers 100k, is that fair and right? When without their labor, I would have zero dollars? My idea and leadership isn’t worth anything without the labor of the people I am leading and who make my idea reality.

    Their labor is replaceable. The developers just did the work on the ground, which is honorable and should be compensated, but being in leadership to bring a development project past the finishline and into profit is a lot more scarce a skill than being a developer itself. And developers almost always make out like bandits if they have a decent package.

    Sorry you haven’t really made a convincing argument.