I just wish that I could justify the cost. I love the idea, and the execution, but I am not paying over ~$250 for a phone when that lower mid range works more than well enough for me.
I just wish that I could justify the cost. I love the idea, and the execution, but I am not paying over ~$250 for a phone when that lower mid range works more than well enough for me.
Oh geez. My extremely niche (and I mean niche) community where I am the only poster ever has 60 subscribers. It’s almost horrifying.
!enoughmuskspam@lemmy.world is way more in line for this.
This seriously does not belong in a Technology community.
The version you want to use is Tenacity. It seems good, but I haven’t done extensive reading on it.
Here’s the TL;DW courtesy of @otter@lemmy.ca on the other post I made with this video:
That is really awesome. I have some kinda strong opinions about web apps and the bloat they can cause in general, but this makes a tool that is honestly necessary for many professions widely accessible.
Basically, they were bought out by MuseGroup. MuseGroup tried to add telemetry and some bad TOS stuff. It all got reversed.
Well, in terms of for real metrology, you are correct. A better comparison would have been Brown and Sharpe. However, Starrett has more than enough reputation of everything that they produce being of a very high standard- primarily layout tools like calipers, precision levels, etc.
ETA: This could very well be my bias as an American showing. I know from experience that the fit and finish of a high end pair of Mitutoyo calipers have what I consider to be subpar to the Starrett equivalent in terms of fit and finish. There is also a $500 ish price difference which could also be a subconscious bias.
On the dowel hole point, just measuring this stuff is going to take at the bare minimum an automated and purpose built CMM, which will drive the cost up even more. If we are to assume +/- 5 microns for every single part - we are talking about the level of manufacturing that Mitutoyo or Starrett have. This will be a multi-million dollar vehicle that noone would buy.
The article states “sub 10 micron”, which I interpreted to be +/- .0004" in practice
These tolerances are very possible to hold while machining, but speaking from my perspective having been a machinist by trade for 20+ years, holding those tolerances for every single part on a vehicle is going to get prohibitively expensive really fucking fast.
We’re mostly just a bunch of Unix nerds over here.
I tried to be interested, but the image made my eyes bleed.
They typically do not. The general purpose of a dock is to expand connectivity (hence the outputs). I mean, it is possible that there is one out there, but I’m not aware of it.
Nothing says older millennial quite like having to learn how to edit config.sys with no help from the internet in order to get the sound working for a game that came in a shareware collection.
Being able to easily replace a screen would be amazing.
Because in the end being a local guide winds up helping your local community directly in a number of ways.