Schadenfreudler /ˈʃɑː.dɘnˌfrɔ͜ɪd̥.lɘr/
If you don’t know how to read IPA, roughly “SHAAH-then-FROYD-ler”
Btw: I just constructed this word based on my native speaker intuition. I doubt that you can find it in a dictionary, because it’s not something one would force into a single word. A more natural way to say what you mean would be “Leute, die (hier) (auch) Schadenfreude empfinden”, which translates to “people who (also) feel Schadenfreude (here)”.
Why ID 85347 in particular?
As a kbin user, I’m really excited about Artemis.
I would claim actual free speech absolutists don’t exist.
Musk is a proponent of near-absolute free speech
Anything goes, so long as it doesn’t hurt his feelings personally
Does he? Is that even possible?
The difference is that rather than just having no expectation of privacy against recording (Reddit model), in federated space you are guaranteed an official subtitled hologram with sound is recorded by design and shipped to other town squares all over the world and shown. And you have no expectation that you’ll be able to convince those town squares to delete theirs once they have it and basically no chance to if your own town square is bulldozed or your town has gotten into a feud with theirs since you did your townsquare shouting.
while standing on the bullpup
Right-clicked on the link, copied link, went to, pasted link into wayback machine, selected most recent (in this case only) snapshot.
As you can imagine, it doesn’t work if hasn’t archived the link yet.