The greatest likelihood is these services will be integrated into the assistance.
Google Siri Alexa Cortana
The greatest likelihood is these services will be integrated into the assistance.
Google Siri Alexa Cortana
There is also .io
for the Indian Ocean territories. They seem to be fine with it. It is interesting they have problem with it. I wonder what the actual motivation is, because it can’t be due to a lack of viable domain for businesses.
We will have to wait and see what if they actually follow through.
They are big ones for making grand statements and then quietly backtracking later on once all the press isn’t paying attention anymore.
Well that and the fact that he’s 900 years old and probably thinks all phones are iPhones.
Oh, they are authoritarian enough. They just aren’t powerful enough.
Want to know what it looks like to go power crazy with no power, then go look at the Tories.
You need to install it?
It won’t carry over because it’s not a local play app but you should be able to install it the same way you did on your old phone.
Yeah I’m not sure how much of a danger long-term this actually represents. Sure, there may be more sophisticated AI attacks, but there’s also going to be more sophisticated AI defenses.
I don’t think it’ll be a new AI I think it’ll just be using chat GPT and then some prompts that cause it to be jailbroken.
Essentially you could probably get chat GPT to do this without having to go to this service it’s just they’re keeping whatever prompts they’re using secret.
I don’t know this for sure but it’s just very unlikely that they’ve gone to the expensive buying a bunch of GPUs to build an AI.
Doesn’t sound all that useful to have an answer with knowing the question.
Computer: Yes but only after 2:30pm. And on Tuesday, obviously.
Me: Er?
That’s why when they take air temperature samples they take multiple samples from multiple locations and they explicitly don’t put them under trees, behind shade, unusually high up.
If you’re standing under a tree resulting in a lower air temperature that won’t affect the weather prediction because the temperature isn’t taken from your phone.
Why don’t they just make a deal with a reputable meteorology group, and just use their reports.
Please explain why a phone would need to weigh more, be less durable and be thicker simply because it has a usable replaceable battery. The battery would surely be the same size and regardless.
So? Buy them from some Chinese third party manufacturer.
Suction cups count as specialist tools. They are tools explicitly for removing the screen of a smartphone.
Commercially standard means things like screwdrivers that can be used for any number of circumstances. Also pretty much every single repair guide involves a hair dryer so I’m not sure what phone you’re talking about.
Only because the US government doesn’t feel like doing any actual governing whatsoever.
That is way more complicated than not should be.
Why should I put up with that rather than just taken the back off and pop it out?
They don’t know what the word means. They honestly seem to think that the word ironic means slightly funny.
Facebook messages being used to arrest women for abortions.
That’s a misrepresentation of what happened. The police already suspected her, and so they requested the information from Facebook. Facebook didn’t voluntarily supply a bunch of data to the police for no reason, and then the police didn’t comb through all the data to find this one crime that they otherwise didn’t know about.
What is being suggested with the automatic cars is that the police are actively monitoring the surveillance footage looking for criminal activity. They definitely won’t be doing that. It’s way to much like work.
We can roughly estimate the level of intelligence of an entity by counting the number of neurons it has in its brain. Equally we can count the number of processors that AI requires, and use that to get an estimate on its intelligence.
Obviously this is an incredibly inaccurate method, possibly out by an order of magnitude but it’s a good rough ballpark estimate, and sometimes that’s enough.
A true AI (AGI) would need a lot more processes than GPT4 currently has access to, so we can be very sure that while it may be a very intelligent system it isn’t self aware. Once an AI is given the necessary number of processes I don’t think they’re going to be able to fudge with it like they are with these models.
In that they are present at all.