As a GA resident right across the river from SC, I understand that sentiment. SC sucks. Those bastards stole our city name and our fuckin baseball team.
As a GA resident right across the river from SC, I understand that sentiment. SC sucks. Those bastards stole our city name and our fuckin baseball team.
It’s also one of the best ways to advertise as a small content creator. The internet hates self-promotion with a passion, but short form videos? People love that shit.
4 × 4 = 16, I don’t understand where the confusion is coming from, bud lol
Man, this is Lemmy in a nutshell. Someone offers a well thought-out and well-written view to give some perspective on the other side of a popular Lemmy opinion, and the first response is just straight up ignoring the opportunity to have a real conversation and attacking the commenter as a person.
This place fucking sucks.
I finally made a TikTok recently. On desktop, I couldn’t follow anybody, and after a week I couldn’t upload videos. Downloaded the mobile app, and my phone battery started losing 40-50% more battery per day, despite less than 5 minutes of usage per day in the tiktok app (uninstalled tiktok and all of a sudden my battery issues are gone).
Some time in the last week, I was suspended for having my twitch name visible in a tiktok. Or at least I assume so, since they never actually told me why I was suspended, or even that I was until I tried to login to upload a video.
What I’m getting at is, fuck tiktok.
Man, it’s worse than that. The CEO left in September 2019 with a multimillion dollar exit package, and went on to become a chairman of GM. The guy below him who mobilized the security team left to be the CEO of the Boys & Girls Club of Silicon Valley. I did a deep dive video on this today, but I dont want to spam the link. It’s in my profile in a recent comment if you’re interested.
I actually just made a video about this story today. It’s crazy how far ebay went with this.
Currently using Tortoise and SVN for the first time at my job, and I hate it.