That’s great to hear! Makes sense that they would have worked them out eventually. I just never saw a reason to try to switch back. I tried out a bunch of different apps until I found one that I liked and worked well is all.
That’s great to hear! Makes sense that they would have worked them out eventually. I just never saw a reason to try to switch back. I tried out a bunch of different apps until I found one that I liked and worked well is all.
I’d love to rock my phone caseless, but yeah they are just too goddamn thin slippery for me. I know you can wrap the phone in a decal to make it less slippery, but at that point you’re still covering the look of the phone anyway.
Plus, due to the type of phone I have, I seem to require a particular case for reasons that other people don’t necessarily need. Ex: my phone case has this sort of ring attachment that is much smaller than a pop socket that has become essential for me. I don’t have a way to attach it to my phone directly.
Jerboa was the first app I tried when there were essentially no other Lemmy apps. It worked ok in the very beginning, but then went horribly jank and turned into an almost unusable, buggy mess. Voyager was being developed at the time (then wefwef) and switching to it was like a breath of fresh air. It actually just freaking worked and wasn’t a glitchy mess as opposed to the other apps in development at the time.
If Jerboa has improved a lot since then, then that’s great! But I’d wager that I’m probably not the only one who was deeply turned off by this during its nearly broken phase of development. Voyager just worked and continues to just work, so I haven’t had any reason to try to switch back.
Voyager is a fantastic experience imo. I tried other clients like Jerboa and a couple others I can’t remember the names of. The others were always a buggy mess whereas Voyager actually just worked. Dunno if the other apps eventually improved, but I wasn’t personally keen on sticking around through their significant growing pains when Voyager already existed.
I agree. I laughed at these phones long ago for many different reasons…one of them being the hideous crease.
The thing is that the crease is super noticeable to observers, but it essentially disappears when looking at it head on unless you’re in like bright sunlight or something. Angles are so important here. So I see why non folding phone users balk at the crease…it’s so prominent to them! Actually using it is a different story that you don’t realize until you hold one in your hand yourself!
Idk…glass has downsides too. You drop it and it can shatter. I remember when glass on phones first got big and I saw shattered iPhones everywhere. My brother’s iPhone has shattered back glass.
Still to this day, I kind of wish plastic would make a come back in phones. For some reason every phone nowadays has to be coated in glass on all sides to feel more premium for some reason. Even the backside of the phone has it on devices now. It’s odd to me. Plastic housing is just so much more durable.
I’ve been using my current foldable for 1.5 years and the inner screen is flawless. There are absolutely zero scratches. I wouldn’t say I baby the thing at all, although I also don’t use it like a gorilla. I just use it like a normal phone except I use some common sense things. Probably one of the biggest is just not having the soft screen exposed and unfolded while in a pocket or bag. I fold it up before I put it in a pocket.
Remember when we didn’t put cases on phones? I kind of wish that trend would come back. Some phones are absolutely gorgeous and slapping an ugly case on it just ruins it.
One of the problems is that phones are so goddamn thin and slippery nowadays that it’s hard to grip them without.
I see what you mean. I personally found the camera bump design they have on the Pixels pretty ugly tbh.
In general, whenever a phone has a huge camera bump, it seems to essentially require that you put a case on it. Otherwise it rocks all over the place when you try to lay it flat. Idk.
I mean, there are still multiple large and/or long standing instances out there. It’s not like there is only a single one of them. I would just generally encourage people to utilize those instead. And if they choose a smaller instance that they should be aware of the risks.
Until the admin of a small instance decides to randomly leave the project one day and your account is gone forever. I’ve seen it happen multiple times and it’s why I go for bigger or at the very least, long standing instances.
I’m confused at how you think that living with another human being or raising children are sexual acts? Yes, you need to have sex in order to become pregnant, but the act of raising children is a totally nonsexual activity.
I don’t have “options” because I can’t become attracted to available people around me. That’s the problem. I’m not “unhappy with the options”. They don’t exist.
I’m just confused. If you can’t choose to be gay or straight, then how can I choose to increase my attraction to others? I love and care very deeply about a great number of people, but I don’t want to make out with them or fuck them.
I get that relationships are not necessarily permanent, but they have a greater chance to last “til death” than friendships. And people don’t buy a house or raise children with their friends.
Because it’s lonely?
No matter who I meet, everyone prioritizes their SO or family over me. But I totally understand why they do so. I’m only a friend and I’m not at offended by this. They SHOULD prioritize these people over me.
But I just wish I also had someone who we would both equally prioritize one another above all else. A friend for life. Not one who will just fade away one day and you never see them again. Someone to spend my time with and to grow old together.
I’m not really sure why so many sexual people assume that asexuals don’t need to have human interaction. It means I don’t have a sexual need. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have a social need and a need for connection.
I would like to be different. I would like to be able to connect deeply with others. I would like to be like all of you here. But I can’t.
Right. I was using dramatics to make a point. I’m not attracted to “normal” people. I lack the ability. I can’t choose it and I understand it’s stupid.
Not really. Minimal sexual attraction very occasionally. Which is more than the 0 ever attraction to people I meet irl.
I don’t think you guys are understanding. I cannot force myself to be attracted to “personality”. It doesn’t work that way for me. I absolutely wish I could. I understand that it’s “shallow”. I understand that looks aren’t forever. I understand that celebs only get photos when they look their best. But I still cannot force attraction that isn’t there. I have people that I enjoy their company a ton and care for them a lot, but I don’t get attracted to them. It’s like…you don’t get attracted to your mom.
I don’t “lust” for anyone… especially not porn stars. I have the opposite problem that you’d think. I have a significantly reduced capacity for attraction compared to other people. I talk about celeb appearances because they are just barely able to register on my radar. Masturbating doesn’t even work for me. So no, I don’t have a porn addiction. I’ve only very rarely even looked it up out of curiosity and it didn’t do much.
No, I don’t think there is a hierarchy anyone has to stay within. I am simply not attracted to 99% of people. The 1% I am are ultra attractive and thus not attractive to me or other “regular” people. I wish I could force myself to be attracted to others but I just can’t.
I don’t have “internalized body dysphoria for other people”. I don’t even understand what that’s supposed to mean. That’s not even a thing.
I have a significantly reduced ability/capacity for attraction. I fall on the asexual spectrum, which is difficult because it means I am not compatible with 99% of “real people”. My only hope is finding similar people online, but it has been difficult considering the infantessimally small pool I’m working with.
Really curious to see where this goes. It’s a real shame that they banned Huawei in the States. They are doing some wild things with foldables.