I dunno what everyone else is using pis for but for me it’s not media centers or servers. The pi has a full gpio header with i2c and spi. I can hook up LCD screens, sensors, servos, etc without much additional components. It’s like an Arduino except I get a real file system, network stack, multicore performance.
It’s more than just a single board computer it feels like an ultra microcontroller.
I feel like this whole “micro PCs are better than raspis” is coming from the group of people who never really used pis for what they were intended? I don’t know. Maybe I’m out to lunch here, I’m not trying to defend the pi because it is definitely a really bad choice for a lot of things but honestly despite all the bad blood they’ve accrued there still isn’t an sbc that can really match it’s utility and community support at least that I’ve seen.
Ensign Sonya Gomez over here thanking the replicator
TNG “Q Who?”
SONYA: Hot chocolate, please.
LAFORGE: We don’t ordinarily say please to food dispensers around here.
SONYA: Well, since it’s listed as intelligent circuitry, why not? After all, working with so much artificial intelligence can be dehumanising, right? So why not combat that tendency with a little simple courtesy. Thank you.
I wish Eric had given us pebble v2 instead of beeper, honestly.
I dont get the hysteria, personally.
I came here to escape the crowds, not migrate with them.
Blender. I feel pretty confident in saying that there is simply nothing like it in the commercial world. Its feature set is unreal; its like the swiss army knife of 3D modelling programs. I can’t say enough good things about Blender. It has replaced so many secondary programs in my workflow and is slowly dominating to become my entire workflow.
It used to suck to use in the late 2010s and then work was done to overhaul its space-shuttle cockpit interface, and now it actually feels concise and usable. I freaking love blender now. Big time blender fanboy right here.
You can take my steamtroller when you pry it from my cold dead hands. Fucking love that thing. Not just for gaming either, couch computing is all possible via the steamtroller. LOVE IT.
Adafruit was rolling through runs of ~70 per day for a while. First come first served. Dunno if they still are. I’d suggest setting up a stock alert with them.
I snagged one for my Beepy. They were so strict about scalpers they made me set up 2fa so they could verify my account.
Smart watches really feel like the palm pilots/pdas of this generation.