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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • I think they are saying, even if they must spend 80% of premiums on health care, that leaves 20% for profits/admin. But if a premium is $100, $80 goes to care, $20 to the company. But if the price of care goes up and the price of premiums go up, then a $200 premium means $160 on care and $40 to the company. The company still makes more, even though the ratio of care/profit is the same, incentivizing the company to do what it can to make ALL COSTS go up, and raise premiums to match. If they can get premiums to $1000, that means $200 can be kept.

  • A self-driving vehicle is not exclusive to Elon.

    I prefer electric cars over gas ones, and think that at some point computer controlled transportation will be more reliable than the average human driver. These aren’t endorsements of any person or company.

    Why are you wrapping this up so much with the one dude?

    Its like saying that you can’t endorse online shopping unless you also like Bezos.

  • I’m also in the second camp. Plus, censoring the bad words on specific users is a few too many steps closer to don’t say gay on the internet. Is ass ok but not fuck? Is sex talk forbidden? All mention of anatomy, including general questions about health? How about they ban anti-capitalist language too? The tiktok language phenomenon shows that users will absolutely just make do getting around communication bans, “unalive” and “le$beans” being the most popular. This type of censorship has already happened on other platforms, and it’s all bullshit and useless.

  • I feel like you’ll end up having to pick some compromises, or spend a lot of money. I think your best bet would be a desktop PC that has a bit more punch for less money than a laptop would be, and then also buy a laptop for your actual laptop needs, if you can find used options you might come in at budget. A laptop with integrated graphics can handle some games, you probably need to pick non-graphic intense games for gaming on the go.

    There are some new laptops coming out from Qualcomm that have a Snapdragon X, and they are not as versatile or powerful as Intel or AMD, but they are incredibly power efficient and cheaper. (They are new so we’ll see how that pans out )

    $1000 is not enough IMO for a catchall laptop with a modern GPU, AI capable, power efficient, repairable, and lightweight. A 800$ desktop and a $200 laptop/Chromebook/used thinkpad and SSD can probably cover your real use case of school laptop and also gaming/AI at home.