Grayjay had a number of issues recently too. Guessing some changes on YouTube’s side. Recent updates have fixed things.
Grayjay had a number of issues recently too. Guessing some changes on YouTube’s side. Recent updates have fixed things.
I’m using the Google Pixel Camera on Graphene OS and don’t believe there’s any difference in quality. It doesn’t require Google Play Services to be installed and you can deny it network access to cut it off completely.
Yes, they don’t work without Google Play Services. Google didn’t implement passkeys in Android, only their own services.
I’ve been using it for several months mostly due to it’s UnifiedPush notifications support and been really happy with it.
The reason that Google got ruled against originally was that they were paying and offering incentives to developers to keep them from releasing their apps on other app stores.
Google also doesn’t support a user installing the Play Store themselves (and the required Google Play Services dependency). So phone manufactures have to choose to include it on everybody’s phone from the get go, or their users won’t be able to use it at all.
I did pick the DBrand Kill Switch case (including. skin and screen protector) for both me and my partner. It was on the pricer side, but I’m pretty happy with it. Feels quite good to hold and certainly rugged enough to protect it. The skins also stop us from getting each others decks mixed up.
As for a dock, I picked up the Anker one and it’s alright. Would have preferred the official one, but everywhere was charging a hefty price for importing it.
I already had a hefty battery pack for travelling. Haven’t needed it much myself, but my partner recently made good use of it for an international flight.
I bought some gray imports a couple of months ago. Cost me about $100 more than Valve’s official AU prices, for the 1TB OLED.
My partner and I have been playing them both pretty much constantly since then. Very happy with them.
I’ve got a few old PCI cards around somewhere. I should pull one of them out and give them a try at this.
My bonus just came in today. Was planning to order one of these this week. Not sure of I’ll wait to see what’s happening at PAX. All they’ve said so far is that Steam will be there.
Probably don’t need to scrape it. Just query WikiData for it
I’m just using Mozilla’s Multi-Account Containers extension. In my work’s infinite wisdom I have a total of five “single sign on” accounts. So I have different containers for each account so I avoid the endless “which account would you like to use” and “this account doesn’t have access to this resource”.
The extension allows me to set specific domains to always open in container X. That covers 90℅ of my use cases. Some sites I need to use different accounts with and for that I have to select which one to use each time.
The page says it captures game audio only by default. But you can switch it to all audio if UPI want to capture something like external voice chat.
It’s not that it’s closed, it’s more that none of the exiting email protocols support a server which can’t read your email (as it’s all encrypted). They do offer Proton Bridge which you can run locally which will handle all the decryption and local mail clients can talk to that as the would any other mail server.
I don’t know off hand if it supports calendar syncing though.
Proton is not the same as a VM. It has direct access to your filesystem. It could delete your entire home directory if it wanted to.
Ah, so it isn’t just me. I had noticed this myself recently.
Even if it doesn’t look as good, it’ll hopefully include some better APIs that extensions can utilise to improve their experience. E.g. hide the native tabs.
As I understand it (from my non-legal casual read of the new coverage). Having a monopoly isn’t illegal, abusing it is. For Google they found that google was secretly paying companies to not put their apps on other stores. That was what they got the judgement against them. They didn’t find anything like that for Apple.
I believe Steve has said that he hates the title/thumbnails too. But Google’s algorithms heavily incentives them, so he reluctantly uses them while maintaining the good quality content.
How are you checking the size? Some tools will split file size based on the number of hard links. So a 10GB file may show as 5GB in folder A and the other 5GB in folder B.
Also, if you’re using Docker. Its crucial that your downloads and media directories are listed as a single volume. If it’s two volumes, it’ll copy rather than hard link.