Physical media requires the space to store it. I’m not against buying stuff on bandcamp et al, but I’m sticking with digital raid storage.
Physical media requires the space to store it. I’m not against buying stuff on bandcamp et al, but I’m sticking with digital raid storage.
Flac and piracy.
I miss easily removable batteries more. All my old phone work except for the battery has died.
They know it’s not acceptable it’s just that they’re pieces of shit people.
I’ve had no issue with 1337. Limetorrent is probably my secondary.
FWIW I use the tartube gui in windows as it’ll dl full playlists, even monitor channels and update with new released episodes.
I use torrents because they’re free. A friend uses Usenet, and while it’s a good service, they’ve got to pay for it.
Having upcoming videos in my subscription feed can get stuffed too. Just list it when it’s online.
Are Lineage and Graphene still decent android alternatives?
In 3… 2…1…
I wouldn’t get back with someone who ghosted me.
Thx, but there’s also no shortage of music torrent sites. I use 1337x and TPB without issues for years now.
I think votes should be displayed publicly at the bottom of the comments section for each post. Make people stand by their convictions.
Minimum levels of service in Australia can be difficult. We’re a large sparse country with many mobile black spots. People should rent a satellite phone or epirb if traveling the outback, it’s a dangerous place to have an emergency.
I’m depressed at the wealthy marching the planet off a cliff for profit at the cost of everyone else.
In Windows I use the tartube gui for yt-dlp which works fine for me.
$300aud for my pixel 5 after my $100pixel1 battery was only lasting a few hours.
We lose a few tourists annually from it in Australia too. Massive hot sparse country.
Doesn’t NY not support the death penalty?