I don’t think it’s a blind pack. It’s just that they don’t have all the individual ones listed on the site.
I don’t think it’s a blind pack. It’s just that they don’t have all the individual ones listed on the site.
That’s actually from legos dnd collection, it IS Strahd 😃.
Edit: from this collection https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/dungeons-dragons-71047
Uuuh, the cooling in macbook airs and ipads is just passive aircooling, like in all phones and all other “normal” tablets.
Do you hold your farts in all day? My SO does, and when she goes to bed a few minutes before me, she will toot like the brass section of a big band sometimes. Practice letting them out silently during the day instead, all that gas has to go somewhere, you can’t just hold it in
You could achieve this with something like AutoHotKey on Windows or xdotool/wtype on Linux. An entire extra piece of hardware seems unnecessary
The first in the series, 28 Days Later, came out in 2002 actually
I had a bug like that today . A system showed 404, but about 50% of the time. Turns out I had two vhosts with the same name, and it hit them roughly evenly 😃
[Spiderman pointing at spiderman meme]
Like sugar and spice?
It works with cookie popups, except you need to deny them with every page load
What if I don’t agree? No messages?
Still disgusting, but a bit less. Still pretty revolting though!
I really hope this is true, because it’s hilarious 😃
I use Qwant for my searches. I find the results better than DDG. https://www.qwant.com/
Missing features? It’s more or less stock Android with a different launcher. Which features are missing? 😯
Damn, that’s sad. I had higher thoughts about Lego 😟