GoDaddy can GoFuckThemselves, wondering why my shit was broken until i found out
Unreal 4 and 5 expert with 3D art and animation skills
GoDaddy can GoFuckThemselves, wondering why my shit was broken until i found out
It is like fentanyl don’t do it
Intellisense commands you to fix your method
I’ve seen people trade zip archives like Yo-Ge-oh cards useing excel as a source control manager so it could be much MUCH worse
I’m not a CS major but why exactly does having a variable or parameter that’s not used in C, C# and C++ throw a warning
“Oh I fixed your code because you did it wrong”
“Hey the application no longer compiles, I re-wrote a huge chunk of your code and now I don’t know whats wrong”
Time to call an emergency meeting
Sorry pal but the mob has spoken
what if i add more =
About 400 pounds
Microsoft can force update Deez nuts
Sweatshop children in a foreign land
Co pilot pilot for Microsoft Flight Sim 2025
My god it’s Chinpokomon all over again
Same, let him cook
Before spontaneously combusting
Its Halo5 Cortana
No it’s those damn Jedi
Also ‘iwghrfuiowqg’ if its 6am in the morning and higher brain function has been fried plus your angry