I’m still using Airsonic-Advanced. I know there are alternatives like gonic and navidrome. But, eh. I like buy music from Bandcamp or directly from the artist, and then upload it to airsonic. Works nice.
I’m still using Airsonic-Advanced. I know there are alternatives like gonic and navidrome. But, eh. I like buy music from Bandcamp or directly from the artist, and then upload it to airsonic. Works nice.
Do you know the etymology of these words? My understanding is that they aren’t exactly “Yes” but more “As you say” or something similar. But I am no arabicist.
Arabic doesn’t have a word for “yes”. I don’t think most semitic languages do either [Classical Hebrew does not, but Modern Hebrew does, however, the word they use in modern Hebrew is the word for “Thusly”, that is now a particle]. In fact you can see that proto-indo European didn’t have a word for yes: Greek is ναι, but the romance languages are si (I am pretty sure French oui is actually derived from the same root as Spanish and Italian. Could be wrong) and if my memories is correct (and it may not be) classical Latin didn’t have a word for yes. And the Germanic words yes/ja have a similar origin. I can’t speak to the other IE languages unfortunately.
I know there are also language families that don’t have a single word for no, but use a negation mood on the verb. I unfortunately can’t give you an example of this. But it should be fun to look up!
I don’t know any hieroglyphs, but I do know cuneiform. Would rather read cuneiform than regex!
This is the one I use! Might have to look at regexer though
Do you think chrome is too useful? Do you think Google is not creepy enough? Well I’ve got a new browser for you! Introducing OpenAI clippy browser! OpenAI can now legally steal all your data. With chat bots crammed in every corner. Help us boil the ocean!
Oh. Good one. Markdown everywhere. Slack always pissed me off for it’s sub par markdown support.
Using an LLM to come up with function names for transpiled code would be a good idea, but other than that. Nope.
I’d probably use selenium. But that depends.
Oh gawd. That would be so horrible! Is there a project o compile JavaScript to bytecode? With like LLVM? There must be, but I haven’t heard of it. I shouldn’t even say anything because I will be better off pretending it doesn’t exist.
Oh! I didn’t know about this! Thanks for posting it
Pine64’s laptops are ARM, but not not RISC-V. they do sell a RISC-V soc (the Star64), but the Rockpro64 chip is ARM.
I want an ARM laptop, but the PinebookPro was a little underpowered for me to use. Some day.
Python is powerful because it easily wraps C libraries that do real work! Just kidding mostly.
But yeah, js isn’t a language I would describe as powerful. Ubiquitous? More capable than you would expect given it’s history? Bloated?
The lack of advertising is a big one, that’s for sure. And Dell isn’t spending any of their advertisement budget to brag about Linux.
Maybe that’s what canonical should spend it’s money on rather than snaps :-) (half joking…maybe )
On the one hand, I think you are right, people who know can find a Linux computer if they know where to look. And they should be easier to find. On the other hand, I don’t think many people by laptops at Best Buy any more. Maybe if BestBuy had one people would try it and see, but I feel like best buy is the place you go to buy a TV or a charging chord for your phone.
You can go to the Dell website today and filter by Operating System and select Ubuntu. Through Project Sputnik, Dell has been selling laptops with Ubuntu for over a decade. It’s a pretty interesting story, but I couldn’t find a summary of it online easily.
HP sold he DevOne, it had PopOS on it. Dell sells an XPS developer machine that has Ubuntu pre installed. System76, Entroware, and Tuxedo computers have all been selling Linux hardware for a long time. So there are viable commercial options. I wish the DevOne were going to get refreshed, it looks like a nice machine but alas, I don’t think it will.
I am curious why you think that. I download Bandcamp files and place it on a home server, and I have never had any problems. It is conceivable that they have a tracker or some bull shit connected to it, but more than a little unlikely.
Bandcamp files play fine on non bandcamp-approved playing devices. This is a big win on my book.
Fish? I like fish.
I quite listening to a podcast that went hard into streaming crypto coin as a way to boost income. I think I like the idea in principle. But there is something that smells funny to me about cryptocurrency. And I don’t think it actually works that well in principle. Funding open source and open access content is tough.