Basically the moral of the story is that Spotify should have followed in their footsteps and become their own record company.
Basically the moral of the story is that Spotify should have followed in their footsteps and become their own record company.
So no more MFI badges on accessories?
But my patina
I have the Rog Ally and I love it but there are some issues with this. I’m digging how this looks and the detachable controllers are really dope. I might just return mine and wait for this. Windows really needs to find a big picture mode to work. At least the Xbox App.
Like seeing the competition. I got the Rog Ally right now and loving it. Not sure I would want the joy cons type form factor though that might make portability easier.
Honestly there wasn’t much of a case to begin tbh. Even the CMA’s best resort was going to cloud and that turned out also to be BS as well.
I appreciate Lina Khan at least trying even if it feels like a huge uphill battle . For example the Microsoft case; even though she lost, her stance on any large acquisition has ensured some concessions are made even before it goes to trial such as the COD and Cloud agreements.
Damn decided to check my 13P and it’s already at 84%. Wonder if I need to stop using the fast charger I’ve had since the 11P
Microsoft just keeps killing off Cortanas don’t they?
Only explanation I can think of is that phones before touch screens used to have the end call on the right.
I wonder if they’ll crackdown on the old titles as well. With the acquisition all but locked , I feel MS will try to promote a lot of the older titles on GamePass which will definitely experience a massive boost in popularity.
Twitter renaming to X is definitely something high on tech news. Would love to have a run where similar headlines are removed.
Excited for ThreadX
Gonna go against the grain here and just recommend the default Mastadon app. It’s simple and gets the job done with no Bells and whistles. Not sure there’s much missing
They do have React as open source and free to use as well. Small things I’ll appreciate about evil Meta .
It’s sad how in an era where name recognition means everything, they removed Hangouts when it was a widely known, positive brand. Made me really question their product/marketing team lol
Remember Allo ? What a disaster that was. Duo was actually not that bad but they already had Hangouts which did both
Aww man Hangouts. What should’ve been their default messaging app.
I’m on 1Password from ease of use with work. Wondering if I should switch to Bitwarden to save a few bucks.
I didn’t care much for the logo change as it’s not really a big deal. What got me to cancel was them adding ANOTHER tier for 4K and then said “no we didn’t have any fee hikes” yet they removed it from the existing plan.