This it’s me so let me explain. First of all fuck you, second I don’t owe you shit, third get the fuck out of my way and I won’t have to be rude bitch
This it’s me so let me explain. First of all fuck you, second I don’t owe you shit, third get the fuck out of my way and I won’t have to be rude bitch
Mine is more an exercise in if I could than if I should. I’m using a 1tb disc for os and cache with a thunderbolt, 4 disk jbod nvme enclosure for storage. If I was in need of more storage I’d probably go with a usb jbod ssd enclosure for power efficiency reasons but as is a bit less than 5tb has been fine for my needs.
They are generally on par with uhc from my experience with them
Foolish hyperbole only feeds into their propaganda, don’t take the bait. Be measured and precise, clumsy blows will only help your enemy.
And that does not usurp the judicial branch as stated above.
The EO constrains itself to the executive branch, judicial employees are not subject to it.
With recent supreme court rulings there is nothing the law can do to stop him because he is immune while acting as president. His goons are effectively immune as well with preemptive pardons. We’ve reached an impasse where the law is no longer relevant. Short of armed rebellion I don’t see a way out of this.
And anyone enacting trumps orders. They’ll just plead guilty and take the pardon so they can get back to corrupting the nation before dinner.
Lmao the dem justices voted to ban too, your delusional they don’t give a fuck that’s why zuck pays them
Good thing knowledge of the law is not requisite to being punished for breaking it…
Correct until it’s a pattern nothing will change
Yea, I did. When you start modifying configs and writing shell scripts git can help you track those as well.
Seems solid enough of an outline. My only note is I highly recommend git first, you don’t need to be an expert or anything but if you understand the basics and use it you will never lose a line of code and be able to lookup historical changes to find issues faster. Then when ready you can stand up a simple git server like gitea to host those repos and collaborate.
I have some notes from doing it but its been a minute, the overview is:
- create your users in and out of the container with the correct ids
- edit the conf to pass through the dir and map the ids
- edit the subuid and subgid
The documentation on this kinda sucks because its not all in one place so if you find the first link you might get lost without the info in the second. I took me a few forum posts to find out about all the id mapping stuff and finally find the right page.
You can bind mount a directory on your pool into an lxc too. I do this with smb and a few other file/data services without issue but never tried omv. If containers work for you it might be the simpler way to go.
Was she arrested by a state trooper? Was she accused by a state prosecutor? Was she sent to prison by a state judge? Why is it not the states fault?
Dash cams are a bad option, cops have and will delete footage that doesn’t fit their narrative in court.