Just need to get AI on that.
Just need to get AI on that.
It has been a pretty short trip from “Don’t be evil” to “The cutting edge of late stage capitalism”
Then delete and start over, or don’t use data you don’t have explicit permission to use. in the first place.
It’s like a thief saying “well, I already fenced most of the stuff so it’s too hard to give any of it back. So let’s just call it quits, eh?”
Waiting for 100% oral exams to make a comeback.
heh, all of them (plus several others) were on my list of “never buy from them” list a decade ago. Never had any reason to reconsider
It’s a publicly traded company. It’s owned by shareholders. You may be thinking of the CEO.
I expect a lot more authors will go this (crowdfunding) route; if Kelsey Dionne can get over $1.3 million for a fairly niche TTRPG product (albeit that it was a very well done example of its particular niche), publishing straight up fiction books via crowdfunding has to look pretty damn attractive.
(edit: added a missing word)
I’m fine with this. “We can’t succeed without breaking the law” isn’t much of an argument.
Do I think the current copyright laws around the world are fine? No, far from it.
But why do they merit an exception to the rules that will make them billions, but the rest of us can be prosecuted in severe and dramatic fashion for much less. Try letting the RIAA know you have a song you’ve downloaded on your PC that you didn’t pay for - tell them it’s for “research and training purposes”, just like AI uses stuff it didn’t pay for - and see what I mean by severe and dramatic.
It should not be one rule for the rich guys to get even richer and the rest of us can eat dirt.
Figure out how to fix the laws in a way that they’re fair for everyone, including figuring out a way to compensate the people whose IP you’ve been stealing.
Until then, deal with the same legal landscape as everyone else. Boo hoo