The video has a typo. It uses “it’s” instead of “its”.
The video has a typo. It uses “it’s” instead of “its”.
I don’t know, man. To me that’s still speculation. But did say you were guessing, so that’s okay. I just thought that you had a clear indicator of mental issues.
It could very well be that someone started stalking him, or sending him death threats, and he simply said “yeah, fuck this.”
Or that he started the project to get some groupie ass, then got ass, then he was done with it all.
Or he got bored and moved on to the next interesting thing.
Why are you guessing the mental issues part? Has the admin given any indications of that in the past?
Because, it sounds to me, that if he was running a free service on his free time because he felt like it, then he doesn’t owe anybody anything. He can simply vanish for the simple reason that he got bored, and that should be enough.
Or even trim it.
Ha, cool! It’s been a while since I saw that movie.
Man, 1998?! Time flies.
What’s this in reference to?
Lol we’ve all been there, friend!
I think you’re taking this whole thing too seriously.
People can do whatever they want for the lulz.
Just a little push from pops at the beginning.
And they didn’t say it was a long term solution. For all we know, the drive was going to be replaced the following week.
They don’t say how much the seat was being rocked.
Maybe just a couple of inches. Enough for babby to sleep.
It’s not really that bad. Start from the end to see which ones are still existing today.
But yeah, it would be nice if that last column indicated the level of popularity somehow.
Correct. I just want to remain in Linux. Plus the Windows OS will be unmaintained, so I will never connect it to the internet. So I’d be without Internet meanwhile I’m in the other partition. A VM solves that.
I don’t know, I still haven’t done this yet!
But my needs might be different from yours. In my case, my music production skills just require an old version of FL Studio. I’m sure it will run fine in a VM.
Sure, but the question still remains…
In my case, I will NEVER upgrade to Windows 11. I’d rather use another OS.
I miss Windows 7.
Lol, that was funny! I know I’m being pedantic. I usually make those observations just to scratch an itch. The itch was a bit stronger than usual with this one because it’s a journalistic video. That’s all.