Alright, bud. I’d be very interested in seeing what math you do to make the $7 bn net income from FY 2024 (which I mentioned) into something other than $7 bn. Or the $122 bn total assets & equity (which I also mentioned) into something other than $122 bn. Like… what the fuck are you even talking about?
Source I’m using:
I don’t… I really don’t understand what’s happening here. Are you pretending to be stupid to troll me or something? Is this how you get your jollies? By pretending to have a room temperature IQ to strangers online? Is it some weird kind of kink or something? Bro… are you using me to get your rocks off? Not fucking cool, man. You don’t just drag strangers into your kink. I did not consent to that shit. Go do your whole humiliation fetish thing somewhere else.