Do the easiest part first to prove it can be done successfully. It’s the pilot basically.
Do the easiest part first to prove it can be done successfully. It’s the pilot basically.
My laptop upgraded to Windows 11. It broke the headphone jack and built in speakers. The computer just doesn’t detect them anymore. O_o
WTF? 25gbps? Dang we really do have shitty internet in the States.
'Murica #1!!! (In high internet prices)
Woah there! Radical opinion you have, spending money? Like dollars? On stuff you use and enjoy that costs money to make happen? Crazy talk.
Having all the live versions of some songs is the best part for me. I love live recordings.
Actually I’ve had YouTube premium for a few years now and I love it! I use YouTube a lot, but I also then get YouTube Music which I also use A LOT because it’s actually a really good music service.
Music plus ad free YouTube? Video/music background playing? All worth the money to me, and I’m helping keep a service I enjoy alive as YouTube still isn’t profitable. Which also slows enshitification of another product I enjoy.
I want to help YouTube be profitable while I still like it, to
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