He doesn’t ever have to respond since he has governed the county to this position you dumb dumb.
He doesn’t ever have to respond since he has governed the county to this position you dumb dumb.
Wow these issues are so like you know controversial to anyone with a brain…
Nah I really don’t care. The alternative to status quo Biden is 💯 worse.
So a teacher who is blacklisted and can’t eat or pay bills does nothing to the economy? This is exactly obey or starve. But you know I can tell you aren’t a big picture squid.
Bro maybe just maybe. Those people who you are calling “reactionaries” have been told “change is coming, it will get better just keep waiting, these things don’t happen overnight.” For the last 4 or 5 decades?
I’m responding to your instant gratification comment. We’ve given these fossils to much time to change and for the most part they haven’t and never will. But feel free to wait while the planet becomes one paved gas station, and your kids starve, will never own a house but you are thankful at least you are a lucky one and have a job at Walmart and continue to work into your 90s.
Lol he’s been in politics for 50 years. He built this house. He helped steer the ship. He flipped the blinker and shouted shift into 5th gear.
Rubber stamped because his rich you fucking clod not to mention been in us politics for 50 years, I’m sure he knows perhaps a Dr. Or has a connection who owes him a favor. He could shove an ice cream cone up your ass and his “expert” would declare it warm. You would probably agree.
It’s not like the test will be fair or legitimate anyway. Look at the whacks they currently have rubber stamping the two bastions of health and mental stability.
You don’t believe in my nonsense. I don’t practice my nonsense. It’s all feelings does this remind you of anyone?
Work across state lines murkin folks is slow now maybe if trump wins again.
If I was only known for one thing at my job I would have been fired a long time ago. Hold these fucks against a higher standard.
What exactly has Warren accomplished?
Don’t tell me what to do. Nobody has nostalgia for Twitter. Just like Twitter your opinion never has had value.
Can’t wait to have to sign in with your driver’s license to get on Facebook think of the children.
Pass a law taxing windfall profits of “the food business” then give a tax credit to Americans who made less than a million dollars? You know or fucking try anything instead of nothing and what we are currently doing that hasn’t worked since 1980.
You no read so good law start July 1st.
How about you promise to remove your build in spyware?
Finally I won’t miss a moment of pornhub.
Then what good are politics?