raises his pale, sun-forgotten, semi-transparent hand
“The Scottish and the Northern British, sir”
raises his pale, sun-forgotten, semi-transparent hand
“The Scottish and the Northern British, sir”
This is really interesting, thank you :)
Also available on Kobo (Canadian Company) as an e-book. It does contain Adobe DRM though, so you would need to remove that with Calibre if you want to keep it on other devices.
Please just give us physical mouse buttons as an option.
One problem would be that he’d expire happy, because he was doing “cool exploration stuff”.
Perhaps it would be more environmentally friendly (which would upset him) if he was “retired” in a more traditional, boring, normal manner (which would upset him), on Earth.
He could then be composted and used to grow flowers, in some kind of “All-Nations LGBTQ+ Peace Garden” (which would upset him).
For comparison, try “A Day Without Billionaires” next week, where billionaires don’t turn up to work.
“Oh, hey, everything’s still open and everything still works”.
I’ve got quite a lot of racing games - though I tend to only use the Steam Deck for the 3rd person arcade-like fun ones. I prefer realistic sims on a wheel & pedals setup.
Anyway, there’s probably some repeats on here, but these are all ones I have played on Steam Deck and felt worked well.
This is good, solid, scientific advice - however, you no longer have to destroy it - I can sell you these small magnets to wrap round the cables, which will attract and then trap any escaped nanobots. They will get clogged up quite quickly though, so you need to replace them every month - but don’t worry, we’ve got an easy and convenient subscription for them. Normal magnets won’t work, by the way - you need the special ones we make.
No, they hide all the ai inside the actual key itself.
If you prise up the edge of the key and look under it, you’ll see all the ai nanobots hidden under there.
AI nanobots look a bit like crumbs, fluff and dust - so if you can see any of those under your AI key, you know the AI is still there.
I use the “control nipple” occasionally, but I use the physical mouse buttons every day always.
Even though they’re slightly oddly positioned to use with the touchpad, they’re a million times better than not having any buttons at all.
What a lovely, fun little game! Thanks for sharing :)
Oh, those are just to stop the kids escaping from the paedodungeon.
I genuinely didn’t realise that! It looked like they were missing, and just had the little nubs underneath.
Would you perhaps like to imagine they were missing, if only for the sake of my previous comment? :)
How often do you write the word “wads”? I can see a potential problem.
I suddenly picked up “allergies*” in my late 30s - couldn’t work out what they were, other than antihistamines (cetirizine or loratidine) made them “not as bad”, and I also needed to avoid certain things in particular (breathing in dust, aerosols, perfumes, other chemical fumes, car fumes, cigarette fumes, wood dust and drinking alcohol).
Turned out to be Nasal Polyps. I was due for surgery to remove them in 2020, but then Covid happened and I’ve been on a waiting list since. Surgery may completely remove the problem, or at least lessen it - but they could grow back within five years.
Basically every day is like I’ve got cold or sometimes flu. Sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in phlegm. If I take antihistamines, it’s pretty mild or controllable, as long as I can reasonably avoid those triggers. Sometimes I have to drink lemsip in the morning (powdered hot drink of paracetamol, lemon flavour & decongestant). It’s there every day, permanently, but how severe it is varies between “slightly inconvenient” and “too unwell to work”.
Antihistamines are essential for me to function at all, and make a huge difference - though I feel they’ve become less effective in the last year or so. Thankfully they’re very cheap over the counter (~£1.30 for 30 days’ worth). I also use a saltwater nasal spray sometimes, and I sometimes eat a lot of menthol sweets. I have to be careful with decongestants to avoid “rebound congestion” where your nose adjusts to life with decongestants, then becomes twice as blocked up if you stop.
If I drink alcohol or breathe perfume etc, my sinuses block up within half an hour, I can get an asthmatic response, and I get crippling arthritic pain in my hands and joints. Sometimes perfume and other sprays can cause severe, possibly dangerous breathing problems. I have an asthma inhaler for these emergencies, and always have to carry it with me, in case someone sprays perfume in an enclosed space (which might cause me to die).
If I keep reasonable control over these things, I can live pretty “normally”. If I actually get a cold, it’s like I’ve got a “double cold”, and it can make me too ill to go to work.
When it’s bad, it’s a pretty miserable existence to be honest, but in the larger scale of things it’s not a serious or life-threatening illness, so you feel guilty for complaining.
When it’s not so bad, I can normally ignore it for most of the day - and I have a pretty active job and am otherwise fairly healthy. It’s worst in the morning/night when I’m horizontal.
Your case outlined in the original post sounds particularly upsetting and you have my sympathies. You’re not being a baby.
*technically it’s an intolerance or hypersensitivity, and not truly an allergy, though it behaves in much the same way, and symptoms can be controlled in much the same way.
I miss lovely, earthy, warm, friendly chocolatey Brownbuntu.
I always felt purplebuntu was a bit vile.
As far as I’m aware, in English, the punctuation goes outside the quotes, unless it’s part of the original quote.
In American, the punctuation goes inside the quotes, even if it’s not part of the sentence being quoted.
I’m unsure of the habits of other English-speaking countries.
Nothing if the legislation was written properly.
Not good if the legislation was written badly.