Yeah this what you get when you code based on vibes.
Wishing for my death or a World War. Either will do. Because FML or this world.
Yeah this what you get when you code based on vibes.
Ah yes, the elusive AI “programmers”.
Adani can go fuck himself… chor saala.
If you are worried about US laws affecting FOSS projects, it can always be forked, perhaps even be rewritten.
I always keep saying " You cannot plan your way out of a system built on broken fundamentals." Microservices has it’s use case, but not every web app needs to be one. Too many buzzwords floating around in tech, that promise things that cannot be delivered.
I got this message too.
Sometimes, the point is not to challenge, but to provide better alternatives. At least I think so.
I don’t have a lot of money. I have been unemployed for more than 1.5 years and I am already spending a lot of my parents’ money to set up a small business. Still, I really want to support it. I will try to give like 5 dollars or so, just as a show of support.
For funding the servers and further development.
Zuck: free market for me, not for thee.
Techlead went.
‘I traced the issue to an extremely high correlation between “Meta” and the concept of “Terrorist Organization.”’. This is great stuff.
Not a dev-ops guys, just how useful /useless is docker?
I know backend development to some extent. Have worked with Node.js and flask. Maybe I can start from there. Thank you.
Getting visa is difficult. I am trying to get a job. It is not exactly easy either. I get almost no response for US based positions. Know any companies that are open to sponsorships? I have about 2 years of scientific and CAD software development experience, primarily in C++.
Pretty sure it does. The contract was always favored towards them. But, I decided to let it slide because I was pretty desperate. Now, that has come back to bite me in my ass. I might just decide to leave working in software after this debacle. It’s not worth it. Corporations have gotten too used to treating people like machines. I have been working on setting up a small horticulture or floriculture business.
I spent so long learning software development. I always wanted to work on developing software specifically for engineering. That is something I am really passionate about. Stuff like CAD, simulation, etc. But, seems like companies have taken that as a license to exploit. Also, the overabundance of software devs in the job market have made it easier for them. Better to give up.
When they initially said about the project, I refused it. But, then they said they would pay me for the project. I signed a contract that stated that I would get paid. But, now they backed out of it saying my work is not upto their standard and they are terminating the contract.
I haven’t got any resources. Company’s HQ is based in Romania, while I live in India. I just have to take this L and be even more careful next time.
They probably think only OOP is right.
User analytics is such an innocent word for spyware.