I have Nebula but it kinda sucks. Content is too narrow and too US focussed. I really want a YouTube alternative but until they start to let more creators on the platform, not sure this is it.
I have Nebula but it kinda sucks. Content is too narrow and too US focussed. I really want a YouTube alternative but until they start to let more creators on the platform, not sure this is it.
Data. Return to your quarters
It could also lead to a human version of “Paris Syndrome” where people AI Undress their crush, only to be sorely disappointed when the real thing is not as good.
If you pay to own a movie then yes, you should be allowed to make copies of it and keep it forever, even if the seller goes bankrupt in future. You are paying to own the movie.
If you subscribe to Netflix you are not paying to own the content, you are paying for access to their content. Therefore you cannot legally download a movie from Netflix and keep a copy forever.
However, if Netflix don’t make it possible to buy their unique content for permanent ownership, then piracy is the inevitable result and they should address that.
But let’s be honest here, none of you are intending to buy anything.
YouTube have worked really hard this year to help people balance their media consumption with real life.
Everytime I am confronted with another irritating YouTube advert I close the App and say “Thanks YouTube. You are right, I didn’t need to watch a detailed unboxing review for a product I neither want, nor need to know exists. I will do something in the real world and try you again in an hour”
I now find myself thinking twice before even opening the App.
Even better on my PC, because I use AdBlockers, YouTube doesn’t even let me waste my time, even when I want to.
Truly, Do No Evil