It is awesome
It is awesome
A large chunk of not most of robotic development is C and C++. Since working with a mixture of hardware, software, and even performance software here comes C and C++.
I remember reading something that they are all leased, not purchased. So they cut their lease and own them already.
Need to double check that.
Thanks for the fantastic write up. It has been about 5ish years since I used VBox. Back then extensions were still needed for USB to work so this is good news.
VBox was always a great software, Oracle getting it really sucked
Dumb question: why would anyone improve VBox?
I have heard of Oracle looking at IP addresses and if they notice a trend they try to collect a license off it. Same crap they do with Java. Do people use VBox and not concerned of Oracle looking over them?
I loved VBox back then, it worked great.
I had a similar issue too. Tailscale messed up my resolv.conf and I rebuilt it to get basic dns working.
What I would do is look for a basic dns tutorial for Ubuntu to ensure either the local or remote dns server is working. Before you do that verify the internet is working by pinging something like or just as a sanity test. If that works then DNS is the last thing to get going.
We did the same thing. Been VMWare customer for over 12yr and slowly migrating to Proxmox. So far pretty happy with it.
Holy heck if this is true.
Ohhh thank you!
Came to same conclusion too
So many questions about this
I never ran BlueIris as I couldn’t bear to install windows. For Linux try Frigate NVR.
100% agree. For most small commutes, 110v outlet is just plenty but let’s all flip out until then. Is a level 2 at home handy, sure, required nope.
The amount of misinformation, FUD, and just plain lies is mind boggling.
I am dumbfounded. After the class action lawsuit from Arizona and the lizard battery chemistry from early Leafs why would Nissan not move to active cooling in a huge refresh.
You def saved my bacon, thanks for the info!
Wait wait….I thought the new leafs had active cooling and heating? Now got to research this.
I loved the old leafs but lack of active heat and cooling killed the batteries in a few years.
Oh no, this isn’t good news! I’m looking into a newer Leaf, 2019 or newer and was expecting similar performance and such, just bigger battery.
As a guess do you have a Nissan Leaf? If so I think there is a cottage market for replacement and range booster packs. Still cheaper than a new EV. I miss my leaf but not the horrible highway range.
And a very poor investment. Not too many worse investments other then scuba equipment and get rich schemes.
We are dumping the RPI computer modules form our BOM too. The N100 is at a very low price point and readily available. Never again in my BOM.
If they are so rural ISPs won’t take them, why would a cell company deploy 5G in a super sparse area?
For example TMO and VZW will only hand out home cell modem if you live within half mile of a major interstate. If not out of luck aside from Starlink.