Yep I’m here for this. Hadn’t even heard of this until 2 mins ago. Now I’ll def read that.
Yep I’m here for this. Hadn’t even heard of this until 2 mins ago. Now I’ll def read that.
Oh shit. Why is it the first time I’m hearing about this? More people should know this.
Absolute legend. Thanks so much.
I would also appreciate this!
At least you haven’t been defeeted.
Best one I’ve seen yet.
Came here to say this is IMAX levels of projection.
What a perfect expression she has in that thumbnail.
“And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:44-47 ESV
Sounds pretty radically left to me.
I have to agree here.
You need a sense check on your comms.
Possible Autism or not. You alluded to it in another comment about you possibly being mistaken for AI in your letters.
Sadly, masking may need to be a strategy you play here, for a while.
My wife is still on Mac OSX, but my son has embraced Mint. I’m a bit cheesed off that there aren’t (obviously) many kid friendly programming tutorial resources, other than maybe getting a sub to codeacademy. Other than that, all good.
Thoroughly enjoyed this post thanks. I have long wished for a FOSS OS that can truly become popular by considering these users and carving a mainstream path for them. Even - for people who don’t even know what terminal/shell is and don’t care.
Whatever they’re watching, it’s fucking funny.
The hardest one to land was the first ‘proper’ job - and that was a technical interview in a self-taught discipline I’d been freelancing in for a few years at that point. Every subsequent role had a degree (or post-grad) as essential. I have zero academic qualifications for the job I’ve been doing for the last 20 or so years.
This is an exceptional write up, thanks!
I started with Mint and it was very simple to set up. I don’t really like the DE though (personal preference, I’ve used OSX for over 10 years). From your description it sounds like I can change Cinnamon to something else - is this fairly straightforward to do?
I’m looking to use the machine as a photo processing platform (from film and digital) and finding alternatives to Adobe products like Lightroom and Photoshop… with a view to ultimately having a NAS and cloud backup once I get to it.
Apologies for doubt. That’s absolutely bizarre.
Better than entomology, which just bugs me.