Kristi Noem must have plans for these dogs that for some reason won’t need food, shelter, or vet care afterwards.
Kristi Noem must have plans for these dogs that for some reason won’t need food, shelter, or vet care afterwards.
Giuliani was a useful idiot with a law degree and a certain amount of 9/11 good will. Better idiots with fewer ethical standards and law degrees are throwing themselves at him, and he doesn’t need to pretend to give a fuck about American lives or first responders now that he’s in power. Like everyone else who rode the 9/11 wave and thought it was amazing for poll numbers and easy fundraising.
It’s not confusing, he’s a megalomaniac who thinks foreign policy should resemble a game of Risk. Outside a tight circle of influence, everyone else is disposable meat that annoys him and deserves whatever punishment they receive. It’s not new behavior.
Well yeah, somebody has to give the coaches blowjobs
What a filthy thing to call these lovely, flammable tourists! They are all about peace and love and occasionally bursting into flames near car batteries.
Wonder if this will push the wishy washy people who own Teslas but whine about having to get rid of them. Going to assume anyone still owning one is a Nazi or supports Nazis because they haven’t come for them yet.
It’s because he can just make more kids, but distrust in vaccines must remain firm! Wonder if they’ll use the dead daughter’s name again, that’s what my mom’s family did when infants died of scarlet fever and diphtheria back in the day.
Ughhhh just get in the rocket, rocket boy!!!
Presumably all white supremacists or Nazi fans? That’s the only reason I can think to vote for this if you’re not a Trump minion. I’m just going to assume they are Nazis and act accordingly.
Tell me they investigate Title IX and sexual harassment/assault complaints this seriously. Or no? https://academic-sexual-misconduct-database.org/institution/columbia-university Rapists have been allowed to keep their jobs, including a vagina-licking obgyn that was allowed back to clinic after being arrested for licking a patient during an exam, then assaulted 8 more patients in 5 weeks for a total of over 245 victims across 20 years. I think my “favorite” is the professor who was fired, but now works at Yale University. Real elite system you got going there, for some people.
No one asked you, prickasaurus rex. Go back to your hovel and tweet angrily at the news like a good boy
Honestly the rules for those places are so lax that you probably could buy a food truck and call it a mobile anti-abortion clinic as long as you have a few pee sticks, some stirrups, and pamplets full of lies about abortion inside. For extra fun, instead of doing anything anti-abortion, use it to drive people to places that actually do provide reproductive care, including abortions.
A congressional hearing will only amplify the lies and do nothing to help building homes in any way, in fact I believe if they could demolish homes already built, they would. Bonus points if non-whites are currently inside the houses.
The people can primary him. Need 1,000 qualified signatures first though. The party won’t like it but they can’t stop you from running in a primary against him and making him answer to these issues.
Ahh she was Miss Yvonne too, no wonder I liked her, she was embedded in my subconscious from the 80s
Is this the same group that already had a performance canceled because of bigots last year?
That hits divorce, IVF, and IUI for heteros as well
Did unabomber Ted Kaczinsky have his Ivy League degrees revoked? No. Then none of these people deserve it.