Banned from our [Polish] instance. Sus.
Na szmerze od samego początku. Trochę się wymądrzam i czepiam publikacji, ale to z parszywej natury i dobrych intencji. Jeśli masz jakieś pytania to śmiało pytaj - zawsze służę pomocą.
Banned from our [Polish] instance. Sus.
Dunno about locking, but please don’t use Riseup for torrents, unless you support them heavilly. Its an activist resource.
Rather thin on details or encouragement of institutions (say euro ones) to contact on details for a real whistleblower…
Partially. From what I’ve read most of current android is proprietary, and the the open source part is behind by a lot. Usual evil Google way.
I’ll Gnome somewhere else tho.
Never thought Id upvote a KDE post…
Until you work with anything that might be of interest to Russian services (Ukrainian refugees in EU in my case).
Yeah, its getting absurd by now. Maybe we should help with the rebranding a lil bit… In Polish I prefer to call it exTwitter, but in English I’d hope calling it just “formerly” will catch on.
Any source for that or is it just preemptive cynicism?
No idea if this can be secure in any reasonable way, but one way communication based on cheap devices and available frequencies could be quite attractive for activist mass mobilisations, or disaster releasee 🤔
I’m quite disappointed thats not the theme of this article, and my evening is ruined.
Thats this centralised alternative to Mastodon with a madman admin? Anyone still uses that?
Outrageous. Time to pack her up and head for a obligatory 5 day family rave.
“Basically, we’re in the process of replacing our whole social back-end with ActivityPub,” says Flipboard CEO Mike McCue. “I think Flipboard is going to be the first mainstream consumer service that existed in a walled garden that switches over to ActivityPub.”
OK, that sounds good.
Knew about it but first time I bothered to read it and there is a bit more than just that, but hard to tell if there’s any strong commitment. Have to wait and see I guess. Thanks for that link.
I just did and my lemmy instance doesn’t work on it, so that was a fast test. Also opening up new windows instead of tabs/bars kinda kills the idea for me. Still a single integrated piece of software to manage all of these funky protocol streams seems like an attractive concept.
I still have a lot of love for Mozilla, maybe since I’ve started using… Mozilla and even some of the recent steps of the management did not change that. But it would seem doing something like idk - integrating Fediverse elements into the browser, or pushing the concept further in some other way would be a bigger step forward, than launching an instance. Still good, sounds like a no-brainer to have one for staff/supporters, but does not push this concept as far as Mozilla has the potential to. Unless that’s an element of some bigger plan I’ve missed?
This seems to be the only source for this information, while on the other hand I’m seeing this;
Wired: A Signal Update Fends Off a Phishing Technique Used in Russian Espionage