Lucky you.
Ribbit. Ribbit.
Lucky you.
Sure! Seems my screen isn’t up for sale anymore. This is the closest I could find without diving too deep:
Portable, built in battery, plug into the deck with USB-C and you even get touch. Chose if the screen should charge the Deck while plugged in or not. Mostly just plug it with hdmi though and play Mario Kart and Kirby with my son. Has Samsung Dex-support so with one of those phones plugged in you get a laptop like experience. Truly a great buy. Can’t recommend enough.
Do some research though. Make sure you get a screen with touch and battery to get the most out of the screen (touch isn’t good enough to play mobile games but good enough to navigate menus, use YouTube, etc). Stay in the range of 14-16" for it to be portable. And check that your phone is compatible with the screen you buy. Also check the ms so the game experience is good.
Now you can play 4p Mario Kart on mount everest.
Very, very good. Pricing seems okay as well. Glad the specs are the same so games will work on both versions. Saving straight performance upgrades for the next version seems like the right move.
Very interested in upgrading but I can’t justify it to my wallet. I love my Steam Deck as is and often use a portable external screen with it anyhow.
Mesh routers are nothing to recommend lightly. Most are a complete headache to set up.
Worked for me. Saves weere still there after my internal ssd swap. Had my saves on sd card. Fresh install of emudeck found old saves.
How are the possibilities to change the on screen keyboard?
It’s not. Or I wanna see your breakfast in the morning.
The only thing I had issue with was the cable to the battery. For the longest time it felt like I had zero progress removing it. I even started doubting I did it right, then it started moving. Take your time. Also the shielding didn’t fit my ssd. So I had to carefully open it up and wrap it arround. I still never felt I was outside of my comfort zone. And I never do this type of thing. Just take it slow.
Mine didn’t have any issues when I swapped.
Is it now? I don’t hear anything. Gimme an official Xbox Game Pass app tho! Sure it’s easy enough to work arround but official apps are guud!
Talking about a handheld and neck issues kind of go hand in hand. It’s been an issue since the first handheld. I’m afraid Valve won’t be able to patch anatomy.
Same. It’s so weird. I’m actually using my very limited playtime right now to get into GW2. I got NO draw to log onto D4. Didn’t even finish my Battle pass that was included in my ultimate pre order. And I’m considering installing Grim Dawn again or maybe try Last Epoch and see how that game has evolved over the last year and a half. Dunno but D4 just didnt click. Finished campaign. Stared playing HC because maybe that would get my blood rising. I hope I can find some joy again down the line.
I would also argue the new portable from said company emulates incredibly well on most titles.
I bought an external travel monitor just recently. 15-16", 10800 mah battery, 1080p. Very thin. Plug it into the usb c and the screen even have touch. I can now play on a bigger screen without the need of a tv or even a power socket. Pair this with a dock, a small keyboard and wireless mouse and you basically have that laptop for when you need it. Brings cost up somewhat for sure. But now you can use it as handheld, on a screen, or on the tv.
After all the hype I’ve had for Diablo 4 I actually ended up installing Guild Wars 2 instead. Sums up how successful this game has been for me. I’m not even a returning player. Sad.
So the same as 98% of users. But losing w/e games you had on there, if not installed directly from Steam, might be a frustrating endeavour. Just wanted to give a heads up. If you didn’t really need it, that’s ok and a thanks is alright. Have a good day.
It was just a post by someone claiming to work in retail and they had a lot of people coming in with sd cards about 1 year after Steam Deck release saying they had used it in a Deck. Nothing more to share I’m afraid. Hard to know how true it is but good to know so you can make backups.
A lot of retailers claim people are returning with sd cards that stop working after about a year in the Steam Deck. Not sure about the validity but good information to take in notheless.
I used a plastic bender-tool thingie that I’ve bought. I used the same tool to swap earbuds on my headphones a while back which brought new life to my old, worn, but expensive headphones. Actually worth it since it’s SO much easier to open stuff.
I followed a youtube video to do the swap. Took me about 2 hours going through it all very slowly. Detaching the battery cord is what took the most time and patience. Just a very slow process where I questioned if I’m even making progress, but it loosened eventually.
Not at all hard to do. Just required a little attention and I watched the whole guide before I got started.
I bought mine from uPerfect. Excellent quality. I wouldn’t look beyond their brand. They are awesome.