He/ Him
But didn’t it used to support desktop extensions on mobile before the redesign about 3 years ago? Also, hasn’t Kiwi had extensions for like 6 years?
Man, I wonder why nobody has forked this already? It seems like a really easy way to get a new podcast app up and running. PocketCasts is widely loved, it’s just the business practices and lack of features that have put people off.
AntennaPod is open source and pretty good if you’re on Android. Podcast Addict isn’t open source (I don’t think) and it’s not as pretty but it’ll be the most powerful podcast app you ever use.
Amen to that sister!
Bloody hell. I’m 34 and might be in the best shape I’ve ever been since I changed my diet and started regularly swimming. My only regret is I waited until a couple of years ago.
“middle-age Americans (35-54 years old)”
35 is middle-aged??
Megalodon is definitely the one.