damn these people who never died before are now dying out of nowhere, what’s going on?
even the Brazil’s tv presenter Silvio Santos died
damn these people who never died before are now dying out of nowhere, what’s going on?
even the Brazil’s tv presenter Silvio Santos died
brave is based on chromium, so it’s not 100% safe from google
short answer: No
long answer: Most people just like to shout-out what they like, and don’t want to know your use case. If you need pc/mobile sync, Firefox will be your best choice here.
Developer Stackholder: Am I pushing the wrong ideas onto the managers?
No, it’s the developers who don’t know how to implement the features I want.
Sometimes it’s hard to detach It, specially dealing with web dev.
The browser expects JS, since JS was made for the browser, so you make a front in JS. But now you need a back, and hey, you already have all models and repos in JS, might as well make the back with JS.
It’s a vicious cycle. Honestly, JS is fine for either if you are component enough (ie. not using stuff like “is-number”), don’t get the hate on It.
It also helps you getting a starting point when you don’t know how ask a search engine the right question.
But people misinterpret its usefulness and think It can handle complex and context heavy problems, which must of the time will result in hallucinated crap.
that’s crazy, it’s almost like it was created to run on a browser, who would do such an evil thing?
I see, that’s greatif it is only locally installed and used, messing with PATH could, probably, break stuff like nvm or others
what if I wanted to use deno or bun? I don’t think that should be their decision to install “default” stuff that have alternatives
I’m all for their improvement tho
let’s just host all these services for free am I right? who needs to pay energy bills anyway
is this a section of a discord api implementation?
There’s also few but existing examples of people that resist the selling urge, like the VLC dev
I use their mail system, and it’s pretty good ngl
I strongly disagree with this, web dev is great because you can serve hundreds of different devices with the same code, I can’t imagine developing native solutions to each one, yikes
yes, because the average user doesn’t even know there are different browsers, and that they can change the default one, which is great to “vendor lock” your own browser, in this case Safari from iOS
yeah, discord do be like that
on hindsight they are trying to implement a “forum” like experience, where you can create a dedicated threads channel where you csn search previous threads, but it’s not exactly like a real forum, pretty useful tho
they will never win, it’s an open source code, anyone can fork an re-distribute It, they can’t realistically lawsuit tens of thousands of people, some of which sre totally incognito
I don’t think that’s the right perspective to have on this, a good action isn’t bad just because It wasn’t the best action possible.
And the solution you brought upon, would still leave the first problem afloat, “great, we reduced plastic consumption, but who’s going to remove the plastic that is already in there?”, It’s a paradox you see? If he chooses option A, people will burn him at the stake because he didn’t choose option B.
I was skeptical at first when I first got aware of him, then I did some research and there’s a ton of philanthropy there, lots of people got some help they needed.
EVEN if it’s done with ulterior motives, the non changing fact is that people indeed were helped.
Whichever motives he has behind his persona, he has helped more people than most could or would’ve helped in their entire lifetimes.
not losing anytime soon, just slightly annoyed, like letting the tip of the towel hit the wet floor