You can plug this answer verbatim into almost any “why does the US do this bad thing?”
You can plug this answer verbatim into almost any “why does the US do this bad thing?”
Chicken sashimi is a delicacy in Japan, and so easy to prep at home! Just leave your chicken breast out until it assumes room temperature, slice into thin strips, and serve over rice or with seaweed!
Well it usually goes female name, male name, female, so on
So probably more like a Typhoon Kenshiro or Typhoon Guts lol
Out of curiosity what’s their fine for regular public indecency, like, urinating in an alley? I’d imagine it’s literally cheaper for a trans person there to piss on the side of city hall than it is a regular god damn restroom
What an awful little shitville
Gavin, if you’re reading this thread, don’t worry bb, I never forgot to keep hating you
Most tubular brah
But I thought there were no cats in America?
Now that you say that, yeah, I do hear that kinda shit from my older and, ironically, youngest coworkers. I’ve given up arguing with them.
Union worker myself. I am also baffled by the strong conservative undercurrent in my fellows’ views. Don’t know how they sustain it.
God, or worse, a conversation around the conversation you’re actually speaking in order to have
and his complaints that the GOP was too focused on “religious liberty” instead of “Christian nation-ism.”
This mouldering motherfucker really thought no one would notice what he was saying if he dropped an “al” from the middle of a word
Nonsense, “spaghettified” is a perfectly cromulent word
Cool, now actually enforce that judgment
Good god, Hues and Cues almost brought my family to blows
My mom’s been trying to make us a board game family for over 30 years and she still hasn’t succeeded, lol
I have today off, and no obligations to anyone or anything. The world is my oyster, friend. So y’know, pretty good. It’s still early morning my time zone (stupid internal clock set for AM shifts) so I’m just snuggling with the cat and putzing around on my phone before I get up.
My only complaint today is that my coffee grinder finally died last week so I’ll have to resort to the pre-ground for my coffee when I do get up in a bit. I’m not a coffee snob by any means but you can totally taste the difference, so I might get a little crazy today and add some oat milk or perhaps even sugar. I know, I’m a wild man.
I thought you actually had to consume another human’s prions to get Creutzfeldt-Jakob? Does blood have prions?
I mean, either way, I don’t think the human blood garnish is ideal…
This is absolutely beautiful, I feel like I’ve actually seen it in bits and pieces on daytime cable already. Thank you, this comment legit made my morning
American Midwest, my small city, a dozen eggs are about $5.50 – $7