Yep, those are some random parts of comments that you quoted that don’t refute my point, good job! Try reading the article next time
Yep, those are some random parts of comments that you quoted that don’t refute my point, good job! Try reading the article next time
Article straight up calls out that he has partial disability in his left and right shoulders, unless he’s secretly Rayman and his arms don’t connect to his shoulders?
Ahhh, so the I in RaIph is like the second l in Aluminum, what wiII those crafty brits think up next
Lemme know when he’s locked up, anything else is pure puffery
Cmon Mongolia, step up!
Yay, another paywall link
Qualified immunity is a bitch
He should pull a Biden, deny it until the last second and then pardon himself while he’s a lame duck
GTS 450 lol
please no, XFCE is my last refuge for machines too old to support Wayland
So because I’ve consumed a legal substance I’m no longer able to drive a car ever again? What are you on about
I use alacritty on Linux every day, hell I didn’t even realize it ran under Windows
Italy vs Google: asshole fight, go!
Less rhetoric, more couch fucking
Imagine paying to have light over a rival’s apartment XD
Let’s go, Battlemage Hype!
In my day those were called Metal concerts
Was the name changed for privacy? Imagine going through life being named Christian Dingus
Very cool internet stranger! Nobody said that was the solution to anything
Shit site full of mentally handicapped pedos is shit, who’d have guessed?