I once drank a fourty and a half of Steel Reserve, and I remember being so sick yet painfully aware of how bad I felt. I was drunk in all the bad ways and none of the good
I once drank a fourty and a half of Steel Reserve, and I remember being so sick yet painfully aware of how bad I felt. I was drunk in all the bad ways and none of the good
Yeah that kid will look back in 15 years and wonder why the fuck his parents didn’t try to hold someone accountable. So many people failed to protect this child, he doesn’t even realize it.
The electric chair built in 1912 - Its fine tho, they tested it in Sept!
Smdh. Absolutely barbaric.
Everytime i test a battery like this, my wife just shakes her head and reminds me that I’m definitely from Kentucky lol
So I’ll never not have the feeling of a credit card being slid through my brain when i have a headache for the rest of my life, cool
The ambient panic is a bit louder now.
Thats incredibly frustrating.
I take adderall for narcolepsy, and my docs office says its pretty well understood that many people need help to wind down off stimulants.
I hope it gets easier.
My doctor okayed THC use for me (to wind down at night), so i test positive for that + adderall. Ask, it might be okay
Its 100% crazy bullshit that we’re tested like this
doesn’t have the mental fortitude to live in reality.
Perfectly said
Further south, right on the KY border
It suuuuuuuuucks
Well to be clear were in Ohio now, so my standards for ‘queer/trans friendly’ arent high, but the area we hang out in has been nicer than our current place, more affordable, everything we want.
Its no west Hollywood haha but its a start
Its not haha, its Bloomington IN. I cannot believe how queer that lil town is, its amazing
Were about to move to a smaller but more queer friendly town for this exact reason. My city seems indifferent at best, and I’d like to live somewhere that actually likes us.
We’re DINKs, we pay taxes, were good neighbors pretty much any way you look at it, but were visibly queer & barely feel tolerated here.
Another employee says she refused Musk’s requests to have children with him several times, according to the Journal.
What. The. Fuck.
and the trans person gets assaulted in the bathroom they are ‘supposed’ to use! Its just an excuse to banish us from public, there is no right answer.
I make about 55 in a low COL area and it is absolutely not middle anything. I rent and i can’t afford to fix my teeth even with dental.
No one i know under 50 years old wants a giant truck or suv, and thats all they wanna sell us. My only friends with new car $ bought a small wagon, which is all I’d want myself.
Those huge electric pickups are too heavy for our guardrails on top of everything else; it’s insane and dangerous to let the big three make car culture here even worse.
Same boat! My company is in Cali, I’m in midwest. I cost less than a Cali hire, but i make decent money for my area.
he has “taken to using violence against other inmates to relieve his frustrations with his self-inflicted predicament.”
Oh yes
Just live the principals and you’re already a congregant, my child
I’m definitely participating in this