Better hide it fast. Little green droid is coming for it
Better hide it fast. Little green droid is coming for it
Brave Search: Am I a joke to you?
Or the LibreWolf fork 😁
I’m using uBlock, so far it works no problem for me :)
Meanwhile Comma is looking pretty interesting
So it’s the “We can take down what we don’t like”-Act
Your best bet for a no BS ebook reader might be this (if it where in stock): https://pine64.com/product/pinenote-developer-edition/
TOSDR (terms of service; didn’t read) can also be a really nice help
Welcome to the future. Get ready to conform or perish
That still however doesn’t relieve them. Whether they’ve killed of less products, IMHO still leaves them at the position that they route MASSIVE amounts of the entire internet.
One point of failure or control is still a big risk, no matter how you turn it
Grayjay ftw