It’s a really catchy commercial, too. “Winston tastes good like a…cigarette should.”
It’s a really catchy commercial, too. “Winston tastes good like a…cigarette should.”
Damn, that’s so cool.
I went into finance briefly and had to take various financial tests, which involved a lot of memorizing rules and regulations (rich, I know). I was lucky enough to find that some guy on YouTube had made a fantastic series of tutorials PRECISELY teaching to those tests. It was soooo helpful. So definitely check YouTube.
Who are you going to listen to? This guy?
Or Fred Flintstone?
I think it’s interesting that it’s highlighting so many issues at once.
1.) Get rid of immigrants and your population goes instantly into decline. Literally.
2.) Americans aren’t having children anymore, because why would they in this environment.
3.) Apparently, the U.S. doesn’t track its emigration rate (people leaving the country), but one has to think it’s at least a small factor.
Don’t worry, we don’t underestimate with you. :)
Namely disrobing at inopportune times.
Is Caroline like the new Nicole? The site’s moving too fast already, I can’t keep up!
Very similar to what happened just before the “collapse” of the Soviet Union, which seems to be Trump’s aspiration. It had turned into a free-for-all.
Yes, the all-but-inevitable Trump decision to throw Musk under the bus is not something I’ve seen a lot of people discuss.
You’d better not be sending me down a labyrinthian rabbit-hole. I’m sure just one article about the Sykes-Picot Agreement can’t hurt…
Maybe it’s crazy behavior, but 1.) I’ve had similar thoughts for various reasons relating to my past and 2.) it has made me feel better: I came up with a little emergency plan. If shit hits the fan, I’m rounding up the kids and dogs and getting to X location as quickly/cautiously as possible, after which I will take steps Y, Z, etc…
Hopefully it stays crazy thinking. And if it doesn’t, hopefully it’s not just an asinine and unrealistic thought that proves impossible. But it makes me feel a little better to have thought about what I would actually do, if it came down to it. And what might it look like to prompt such a decision on my part.
papa pls no!
All pictures of him make perfect sense when you remember he’s sitting in a diaper full of his own shit.
Didn’t Elon Musk do this by releasing a shitty product that keeps exploding left and right? When four explode at the same lot, you know you’ve got a safety issue on your hands.
If you wanted to kill a bunch of Americans for some reason, without all the sticky issues around murder and the like, you’d be hard-pressed to come up with better than these past couple of months.
You should see her in The Bear. Holy God. She shook me.
Actually, yeah. Otherwise, you fuck up whistleblowing. They could be in the position, realize what’s happening is wrong, be documenting it, trying to get out, etc…
Except nobody chose him. He bought his way in.