the whole phrase is now misused
the whole phrase is now misused
What leads you to that conclusion?
C# didn’t exist in the early 90s, perhaps you’re thinking of another language?
Obligatory: 95% of paint splatters are valid perl programs
Israel is in Asia, Israelis are european
Like it tracks, because they are European. But I’m not happy about it.
Isn’t it tacitly defending this pricing model?
I’ve worked in commercial environments where we’ve had the rug pulled on us in exactly this manner.
Sure today Tesla isn’t charging you, but the moment it is expedient for them, they will.
A lot of users here will have had the same experience with Reddit – it’s not unprecedented.
unused land
Unused by white people?
It absolutely is a violent act. In the same way that locking a person in a cage is a violent act, depriving people of the things they need to live is a violent act.
The fact is, simply asking these people to stop hoarding and polluting is not going to work (duh).
Is there a non-violent solution?
Killing other humans is often justified. For instance, it would be completely justified to kill someone who was in the process of shooting up a school.
In the same way, billionaires are guilty of causing the deaths of millions of people through their hoarding of necessities. Killing the billionaires would allow this wealth to be redistributed, saving potentially millions of lives.
I feel the same way about Americans.
You’ve actually got it backwards. The ranking algorithm (rankdex) developed by one of the engineers that founded Baidu was published in 1996, two years before pagerank. Some of Google’s early patents actually cite the rankdex algo.
Not like it matters here
You’re putting a lot of faith in whoever packages the ‘distro’.
Obviously you have the same problem with trusting FOSS software distributions, but it’s mitigated by things like Linus’ Law and reproducible builds.
That being said, I personally use tiny11 VMs for certain non-critical things at home and work. I’d never use it for anything security related, or as my main OS, as there is a non-negligible chance that it’s compromised (and there’s basically no way of knowing).
We get on edge about the constant military/economic threat of China
Not everyone in Australia watches Sky News
Fuck zionists
Where else does this happen regularly?
I work in enterprise IT networking and systems
I’ll bet you’re an MSP monkey or a DC tech
Magic wormhole is pretty dead simple https://magic-wormhole.readthedocs.io/en/latest/welcome.html#installation
I use this a lot at work for moving stuff between different test vms, as you don’t need to check IPs/hostnames