You’re welcome
You’re welcome
Not for all ailments, but for this yes.
I recommend checking out the CDC information or numerous other studies on Lyme disease and taking your own position rather than blindly excepting a random article on social media as truth and the only acceptable opinion.
Most patients can be cured by antibiotics 2-4 weeks of treatment
There were 9 reported deaths in the US from lyme disease from 1985 to 2018.
Edit: Lol at people actually down voting verified sources. I apologize if your opinions do not match with researched facts.
Let’s be real here. Do we really need a vaccine for this? An estimated 200k people get this per year. It is almost never fatal. People can go years without even knowing or being diagnosed with Lyme disease.
I am not anti-vax, but A LOT of people clearly are. Maybe we should spend more time focusing on treatment or symptom reduction for those afflicted than vaccines and prevention for all people over non life threatening diseases.
I’m in the same boat. I’ve still got an S10 from launch, although it’s noticeably wearing down in performance now. I’ll wait to the holiday season to see if I can get a deal on a new Samsung. At that point I’ll have used the s10 for almost 5 years. Used to get a new phone every other year but that’s not needed or wanted now.
You’re close I think it is black with a white X or gray X
I thought they already announced they’re going with usb-c on the new iPhone.
My wife has a masters in education. Left teaching after 5 years in Kentucky and never broke 40k.