Thank you! Surprised the report didn’t mention that (I was too lazy to do a search).
Thank you! Surprised the report didn’t mention that (I was too lazy to do a search).
The subhead misses out the worst stuff. How on earth?
Criminal charges still in the works, I would hope.
Is this another thing that the rest of the world didn’t know the US doesn’t have?
Kbin does Lemmy and Mastadon.
You can follow Lemmy communities on your Mastadon account. But I wouldn’t recommend it. You get a string of out-of-context posts dominating your feed.
You can follow Lemmy communities from Mastadon but not the other way around. And it doesn’t work well anyway.
You can use Kbin for both Lemmy and Mastadon.
But Mastadon content is not very Lemmy-like so if all you want is the BBC toots, but not a Mastadon account, you might as well bookmark and scroll it occasionally.
Ah yes, the massive (pun intended) drawback of hashtags. Unless you actually wanted to follow a mix of news and porn.
It’s instant verification for all their accounts and an instance that won’t disappear on them.
Read it yourself, but think it through this time.
And having seen your edit of the OP, I quit Facebook something like 15 years ago and only ever had fake name accounts.
I quit Twitter the day Musk took over. I quit Reddit the night before it went dark. I’ve been boycotting Google as much as is possible for well over a decade.
Have I polished my halo enough for you to stop sneering and start growing up?
I have trouble believing that humans can’t get by without meat, or cars, or carbon fuel, or mass-produced clothes, or supermarkets, or <insert your pet obsession here>.
It does not matter what you believe, or what you prioritise. Other people have different beliefs and have made different choices. If you want them to think and choose differently, don’t start off by telling them that they’re scum while you polish your imaginary halo.
And for fucks sake don’t fill the Fediverse up with so much narcissistic, whiny crap that everyone who isn’t you fucks off somewhere else.
This is not hard.
Neither time nor energy are infinite. We all have to make choices. If you want people to make different choices, try carrots instead of sticks.
And if you want people to decide that the Fediverse a better place to be, stop filling it up with whining about how not everyone has joined it yet.
You insult billions of people on the basis that they don’t do exactly what you do but find it insulting when someone points out your hypocrisy?
Grow the fuck up.
Calm the fuck down. Read it again.
If you want to change the world, rather than just polish your halo, put your narcissism away and do better.
we are on the internet talking about people using social networks
Exactly. Other people care about different things for equally good reasons. Unless you are doing absolutely everything that other people might want to focus their energies on, you’re a fucking hypocrite. And if you are doing even a tiny fraction of those things successfully, you’re a rich kid playing at life and berating everyone else for not having been born lucky.
Quit it. Please.
Because everyone has enough time on their hands, right? Capitalism doesn’t keep them scrabbling for rent money and food and too busy to know what’s going on with their family, let alone the wider world. They’ve got all the time in the world. That’s why you’re a vegan riding a handmade wooden bicycle and handwoven clothes, living off grid, never using anything with a combustion engine, or any consumer electronics you can’t make for yourself from scratch, or a corporate ISP, and not growing your own food because farming is more sustainable, so you get what you can’t forage direct from the farm gates.
I mean, I’m guessing you’re not. But if you are, it’s because you’re wealthy enough to make those choices. Most people are not, as well you know. And those who can make some of those choices can pretty much never make all or even most of them. And it is not up to you to decide which choices they should make, or berate them for not making the choices you yourself made.
It is about power, not individuals. Alienating the people you need onside is downright fucking daft.
Of course it is. But attacking other people for not joining your boycott is attacking other people, not the system. Like I said, talk about why you boycott X but don’t sneer at or lecture anyone who is not also boycotting X.
This is not hard.
People need to do a lot of things. Very few people have the time to do everything they’d like to do, let alone everything you’d like them to do.
Attack the systems that trap us, not the people who are trapped by them. This is not hard.
FFS. There is no point lecturing people from on high. Talk about it, sure. Information is good. But moralising will do nothing useful. Point your fingers at bad systems, not the people who are just trying to live their lives under mostly quite difficult circumstances. Improve the environment in which people are forced to make difficult trade-offs. Don’t bully them for facing difficult trade-offs and not being obsessed about exactly the same things you are. It will not do you, or anyone else, any good. The problems are structural, fight the structures.
Yes they are. Probably not in the country that calls it transit, mind. And lots of people would like to be able to have more private conversations in public, whether or not they’re travelling at the time.
Plus, I’ve seen a lot of threads over the years from gamers, or the people who have to live with them, looking for something exactly like this.