Agreed and sometimes the amount of work trying to find some random radio file to flash because 5G stops working… it’s not worth the headache anynore
Agreed and sometimes the amount of work trying to find some random radio file to flash because 5G stops working… it’s not worth the headache anynore
It’s not another one per say but a list that I find really helpful for community Lemmy projects: Awesome Lemmy
If you are self hosting there is a tool on GitHub lcs that will auto subscribe to some communitues for you.
If only I could turn back time and have picked up all the AI modules from my computer science Bsc… those salaries are 👀
It’s always the way, I’ve just found out about proxmox myself… thinking my next rebuild will be some kind of proxmox kubernetes setup.
Good luck and get well soon 🙏🏾
If doing a fresh server external, I’d go for debian as base(don’t need to update it too often + stable)
For apps it’s mostly docker-compose to set up portainer/nginx-proxy then from ther just manage the rest from portainer/nginx-proxy web-ui. ony log on the server for the occasional docker updates / pruning for space.
I see a lot of guys going the full kubernetes route and it’s something I’m hoping to get into at some point but it seems like a lot to unpack for now.
Did you start with arch or something 😂 sounds like you went through it lol
Caddy has some nice automated options but I found this to be the easiest to use for my reverse proxy needs: https://nginxproxymanager.com/
No worries we will just uninstall them all same way we did Netflix.
Imagine federated Uber/Eats 😂
Yep this is my process too, after search it does show up even if there are no results, you can just change the search filter to “All” and search again then it shows up, or you can go to communities to find it.
Good bot