I’m curious how many menus deep the car wash mode is too
I’m curious how many menus deep the car wash mode is too
My hallway is shockingly dark when not lit, and the recessed light is so damn harsh I decided to install LED strips up in the corners. But I didn’t want to switch them, so the lights are motion controlled and conditional based on time. During the day, they’re full bright but with a nice color that’s not harsh. At night, only 6 leds light up a nice green so they don’t blast your eyes in the dark.
I have similar control over the kitchen lights but kept the recessed lighting in there. Full bright during the day, dimmed at night.
When the home alarm is triggered, all lights go full bright.
When the garage door is opened, the garage lights turn on.
When the temp in the living room is below 65 in the morning, or at noon, it kicks the heater on until it hits 70.
In the evening, when the outside temp falls below the inside temp, I get sent a message to open the windows. This only triggers in warm months because that crossover doesn’t happen in the cold months. It’s just always warmer inside than out. Similarly, in the mornings, when the temp outside becomes warmer than inside, I get an alert to close the windows. I use Aqara temp sensors on my front and back porches to grab the temps, so it’s very local and takes into account the radiant heat built up from the direct sunlight and works really well. This also has me thinking I might be able to work my contact sensors into the automations too…
I’ve got a contact sensor on my bedroom door to alert me if anyone enters while I’m not home.
My crawl space is encapsulated and I have a large dehumidifier down there. I have a smart switch connected to it so I can have some easy control and monitor power usage. I also have a temp and humidity sensor down there with alerts for if either temp or humidity change too much.
I set up LED lighting on my front porch and have HA turn it on an hour before sunset and off an hour after sunrise. I set it to different colors usually based on holidays, but have it set to a purple that I really like otherwise. Way less harsh than the white porch light.
And of course I can control nearly all the lights in my house from my phone or with Siri.
I’ve been running HA for two years and barely understand YAML, let alone the main YAML config, which is keeping me from accomplishing a few things I want to do, like taking better control of my air filter.
Having my hallway and kitchen lights be motion activated and brighter/dimmer based on ambient light is fucking great. If you get there you might wind up loving it like I do lol.
I’ve been dabbling with Ubuntu for my home assistant and my Plex media server and every damn time I find myself asking ‘why isn’t there a GUI for that?!’
I get where you’re coming from I think. I disagree that it’s less secure but I’m not here to argue, just to understand.
Without speaking for you, is it the fact that it could be triggered accidentally (though rather unlikely) that makes you feel it’s less secure?
As far as the technology goes, it’s the same as using Apple Pay from your phone which is pretty secure. So the only difference I see is the lack of biometric with each instance of using your watch, though it does require your PIN or phones biometric each time it needs to be unlocked, it just effectively keeps that token until the watch is removed from your wrist.
Just curious to know which watch has that laborious of a process. No judgement here.
My Apple Watch is a double click and my default card pops right up. Ezpz.
What watch do you use?
I double click my power button and Apple Pay is there. Way more convenient for me than to pull my wallet out of my purse, pull my card out, wave or insert it, put it back in the wallet, and put the wallet back in my purse.
It’s not for everyone, but I definitely find it more convenient.
Using your debit card to pay is convenient, but it can also mean you spend more is, I believe, a sentiment that was passed around when cards started being widely accepted.
Lmao’s in VPN
Idiotic take. You’re human, you have vices. It’s that simple.
Here’s some more help: https://factmyth.com/vices-and-virtues-explained/
Do you drink soda or alcohol? Vice.
Do you eat comfort foods when you aren’t strictly needing substance? Vice.
Do you binge watch television? Vice.
Do you doomscroll? Vice.
Do you do anything at all that you look back on and say ‘maybe that’s not the thing I should be doing’ and then go on and do it again? Vice.
No one is so virtuous as to be absent of vice and your self-aggrandizing, holier-than-thou sentiment is disgusting and abhorrent and in my estimation, a vice.
I see you skipped the contextual definition immediately below the last one. Let me help you out:
“A bad habit”
Yes you do have vices.
I’d encourage you to look up what a vice is.
It’s glaringly obvious your vices are different but I guarantee you have your own that some or many of us would find to be wildly irresponsible.
Do you spend every single dollar you get responsibly? Do you have zero vices?
Just because you’re different doesn’t mean you’re better. Get off it with this rhetoric and let people live their lives, especially when it has zero impact on you.
What’d I do?
No fucking clue
I hired an accountant to do my taxes this year and her company had just switched to Libre Office and she, a boomer, could t figure out how to open a fucking CSV with it. She kept complaining about it just being a string of numbers and letters.
I resorted to providing her with PDFs instead.
Oh boy. I should proof read before posting lmao.