Fighting the good fight elbow deep in a tub of off brand ice cream.
Fighting the good fight elbow deep in a tub of off brand ice cream.
One capitalism rock please.
Current state earth or shot out the airlock into the vacuum of space. They probably threw a coin.
Autopsy reports are vague and contradictory. They describe women with evidence of trauma, including burns and electric shocks, all labeled natural deaths. One woman’s cause of death was simply “brain dead.”
Checked the article because I was wondering what the actual cause of death was and it turns out they just wave everything through as natural causes. They’re being straight up murdered. Lovely.
I disagree with this being a good test. Where on earth would you find a wall on a road with a fotorealistic continuation of the road printed on it? This would trick many human drivers. Self driving cars fail in many realistic situations that are a lot more concerning. This is just clickbait.
“What do you mean we can’t waterboard them? Can we fireboard them? No? Come on. Earthboarding? Is that ok? No!? That’s ridiculous. We’ll need to make some changes here. I mean, we can’t airboard them. That’s just fucking breathing. It doesn’t work! Fucking hell. Somebody get me a drink.”
But a consistent amount of enshittification shocks
I think the proper term is enshittification sharts
I’ll kick a chicken and fart in their mouth right now if it means food is cheaper!
my man are you aware of plants? try some goddamn beans instead of farting into chickens. do not eat the beans if you’re set on the farting thing though. don’t want to make this worse.
It’s pretty much dead to me. I know it was always ass but at some point the OC/spam ratio gets too bad to bother. Lost memes were a good time. Now I’d have to sift through 80 incels calling eachother tranny to find a single post with a shred of an original thought behind it. Eh, maybe it’s the same and I just got too old for it. Doesn’t matter in the end.
By the looks of it he has the three stooges syndrome. Indestructible.
It was also raw as fuck. That allowed for some very honest interactions but also introduced a shitload of trash to filter through. Then the whole political influx came in a decade ago and fully ruined it. lemmy seems like a good middle way. no senseless karma farming but also some tools to moderate.
Bing, Bing, Wah-gunshots
is that a meme or did you accidentally butcher the term “ponzi scheme” which is something entirely different? not saying insurances aren’t often a scam. just a different kind.
Musk pretending he cares about rail while in reality his worst recurring night mare is him being in public transport with poor people. Classic.
and so it begins
It was when his (step)Mamaw got stuck in the washer that he truly learned he wasn’t gay.
Privacy Enhancing Technologies. A blanket term for anything protecting your identity (Onion, VPN, etc.) I feel like the people asking for this either have a very limited technical understanding of it or completely different motives. You can’t ban encryption. What they could do is ban VPN services from officially operating or certain protocols but that would mostly hit your regular user.
High availability and security are the bane of IT infrastructure jobs. It makes me anxious to think about my MSP days when I’d sit on my couch on a Saturday fully aware that I’m one phone call away from having my day, weekend or even the next two weeks ruined because some customer CEO has full domain admin rights and would give them to anyone who’d ask on the phone or via email.
The amount of bullshit jobs that exist is insane. So many people in offices that either don’t do anything or barely anything. Then even more who could easily get all work done in half a work day. Then a gigantic amount that could easily do their work in 4 instead of 5 days or 6 instead of 8 hours. I’m typing this at work because of all the downtime I have and I still believe I get more work done then most of my colleagues.
Thanks for letting us know.